A question for folks taking baricitinib... do you have your bloods monitored on a regular basis? If so how often?
Baricitinib and blood tests: A question for folks... - NRAS
Baricitinib and blood tests

Monthly, but still on salfa and mtx so can't judge. I think they can raise cholesterol, which isn't checked.
The British National Formulary (the overall drug bible) says that manufacturer's guidelines are to monitor lipids (ie cholesterol) after three months. Then to monitor blood - neutrophils, lymphocytes and haemoglobin regularly. Doesn't say what regularly is tho'!
Aah. My BNF is out of date so I didn't think to look. Interesting re cholesterol. I I will get my OH to ask about it on next blood visit Thanks!

Thanks Norisa, before reading your second post I was going to ask if your OH has his cholestorol checked.
I spoke with my rheumy nurse earlier to ask how often I should have my bloods checked on baricitinib as I haven't had them done for over 3 months. She said I should have them tested every 3 months, which matches with the lipid guidelines you mention. I also asked her about possible raised levels of liver enzymes, a common side effect with baricitinib as is stated on the tin, and whether this should be monitored once per month as is done with methotrexate. She said a FBC every 3 months should be adequate as baricitinib has less of an effect on the liver than methotrexate does. I'm fine with that and will now make sure I have a FBC every 3 months. Having said that, I am a little disappointed that I had to request blood monitoring instead of being informed about it, especially as I've had a heart attack and am taking statins and blood pressure meds. Things could be up in the air due to my rheumy retiring last august I suppose..then again perhaps not.
Thanks hh
To misquote Churchill, with this disease we have to be masters of our fate & captains of our souls, so always pays to keep alert to what's going on.
With MTX, sulpha & hydroxy I've been on 3 month monitoring for years now. However now I've added Enbrel rheumy is insisting that i have bloods every two months. Cholesterol is 6 monthly.
I appreciate that we have to keep alert to what's going on, that's why I phoned rheumy, but not sure that would have been the case before I joined this forum a few years ago. There must be lots of people with chronic illnesses who don't have access to the internet, or if they do are not forum types. Perhaps my expectations are too high but I can't help thinking that not being informed about such things is a poor show.
I'm with you on that. At one time I worked with a particular group of people many of whom couldn't read, but they hid it well. They wouldn't be able to read the patient/drug leaflet.
It is poor, and basically inexcusable....except that I know how horrendously busy my rheum team are, so I sort of feel if I can do a tiny bit in managing myself that leaves them a few extra seconds for someone else.
Well I did say that my expectations may be a bit too high, but that doesn't alter the fact that there are many less well informed people out there who would never think of questioning the treatment they are receiving. I know for a fact that I would still be one of them if it wasn't for this forum.
I agree both with you and HH. Its a fact of life that you need to keep your wits about you when in the health care system as there is so much going on and everyone is so busy. It does put some less informed, less aware, less motivated patients at a disadvantage.

Your last sentence articulates the people I speak of much better than I can. Wayward schooldays are to blame.
First blood test done after being on Baricitinib 4mg for 3 months ( requested by Rheu Con ).
Dam!..you've reminded me that I should have phoned my rheumy helpline this morning so they can give my GP the go ahead to start monitoring my blood. It will have to wait until wednesday now......
I also had a blood test 3 months after starting baricitinib, which was all in good order according to the rheumy nurse I spoke to last week.