Hi All. Have just had some bloods done and they're showing an increase in LDL lipids and HDL lipids so overall total is 6.7. Interestingly, my level has increased since being on Baricitinib since 2019 and I suspect I’m going to have to go onto statins to counteract the effects of the drug! Nothing in my lifestyle and fitness has changed to cause the increase ( very healthy diet and plenty of exercise, no alcohol or smoking - how boring!). Just wondering if this is the experience of any of you lovely people out there and if you’ve had to go onto statins have you had any problems? Thanks lots.
Baricitinib and highCholesterol levels: Hi All. Have... - NRAS
Baricitinib and highCholesterol levels

Good evening Amnesiac3637, I was on baricitinib from 2018 until 2021 and have never had any problems with my cholesterol levels. I'm sorry to read baricitinib is maybe causing you those problems and I hope you'll be alright with the statins! All the best, Christine
Yes I have slightly raised triglyceride levels. Well known side effect. GP was concerned; rheumy ok with it as long as we monitor it. Just tried looking up the number. I’ll get back to you if I find it!
My Doctor put me on statins…my cholesterol was 5.7 but he had an app which, due to having RA, worked out if I was at high risk of heart problems and it said I was☹️. On Rituximab. Simvastatin is the one they start u on and I cant think why I was changed to Atorvastatin but not noticed any side effects.
If you want to try to avoid having to go on statins then read this book which was recommended by my GP! I reduced my intake of starchy carbohydrates and followed its advice and it worked for me!
I haven’t been on Baricitinib but my rheumatologist told me it often puts cholesterol up. My level was over 8 (also little alcohol, lots exercise, not overweight) so started Atorvastatin. I’ve had no issues with it.
Sorry i can't help you as it has been such a long while since i wa on that drug.xxx
Since being on Toficitinib my cholesterol levels have risen to over 7. My GP suggested statins but after much reading and discussion with my friend (an advanced nurse practitioner with cardiology education) I decided against taking them.
Statins have a proven track record in preventing secondary cardiovascular issues, the evidence to prevent primary cardiovascular issues is less clear. There is also some evidence suggesting that they work less well in women.
I have considerable soft tissue pain due to my RA, one of the more common side effects of statins is soft tissue pain, I didn't want more issues here.
Other than RA and medication induced raised cholesterol I don't have any other risk factors, so I decided not to take them.
Your GP will most likely calculate your cardiovascular risk using the QRISK calculator, freely available online if you want to do your own.
My cholesterol is being checked yearly and I'll keep things under review.
(PS. My nurse friend does take statins herself and prescribes them. I just didn't think they were the right thing for me)
It’s a well known side effect. I’ve always had high cholesterol and have taken statins for many years. When I started Baricitinib I started taking flaxseed supplements and adding flaxseed and fibre powder to my porridge in the morning it has helped reduce my cholesterol. I’m 4.7 now the best for years. This works for me but we are all different.

I am doing the same flaxseed with Baritcitnib and finding works for me too. Reduced my Cholesterol as well since taking it.
I've been taking Baricitinib for 15 months now. Nobody has ever mentioned or requested a cholesterol blood test! I think I'll ask for it to be added to the list when my 3 monthly test is due. This is the second time I've discovered valuable info about the drugs I'm taking on here, rather than the professionals who are supposed to be taking care of me. 🤔 Last time it was the effects of pred on the gut. The RA nurse told me after I'd been through a lot of discomfort, anxiety and scans that they were discussing how I could have "fallen through the net" regarding taking a PPI stomach protector - and it sounds like it could have happened again... Thanks everyone for sharing your RA journeys on here, you never know just how much your contributions could be helping others!!
Hi. Am really surprised your team didn’t put you on stomach protection as soon as you went onto prednisolone - hope you were at least on enteric coated tablets at the time - as it can mess your stomach up really badly over time. Also, Baricitinib is known for raising cholesterol and you should have been being tested for lipid levels . Good for you to challenge the decisions made for you and yes, you can pick up a lot on this site! Hope you get the right treatment and the right tests from now on.
Thanks! I was given a mixture of coated and un-coated prednisolone tablets, as 1mg tabs don't come as enteric coated. So when I was reducing my dose to 9, 8, 7mg etc, I was taking up to 4 un-coated tabs a day! I think the misunderstanding came because they spotted my GP had prescribed omeprazole (at my request) when I said I was worried about the amount of ibuprofen I was taking at the time. He said to taken omeprazole only when needed, on days when I needed lots of painkillers - not to take it every day. I blame the lack of time my rheumatology team has for the lack of detailed care... so much is left to the research skills and self advocacy of the patients.🤷♀️
I am on baricitinib and my cholestrol has risen too although in my case its partly to do with my reduced mobility We worked on reducing our cholestrol in our diet and my husbands went down but mine didn't! I try to keep up a good level of HDL good cholestrol and this helps to combat the effects of the LDL bad cholestrol . I eat nuts and cholestrol reducing spreads like olive and rape seed oil and also pulses and dried fruit. I am going to try the flaxseeds though They sound good. MIne is still 6.1 but no-one seems worried I am not on statins
I don’t take your meds, but I did begin statins in December. My levels had gone down by my next blood test about 2 months later. I was quite shocked actually at the speed of things. No negative effects…
Yes my cholesterol has gone up on baricitinib and doc has put me on statins. Was not keen but hey ho just add to the pile of pills!
I was a bit shocked that my sister was put on statin with a rise in her cholesterol to 5.7 on baracitinib. She doesn't have any cardiovascular problems although she has (at over 80 years) slightly raised blood pressure. I asked about the ratio of LDL to HDL but she didn't know. I felt this was over-treatment for someone whose long term prospects are rather reduced! But she is a much more compliant person than I am and hasn't argued or had any side effects.
Same here . I have always been on the heavy side but don't have an unhealthy diet and since I've been on Baricitinib I now have high cholesterol. No changes in diet either. Seem we solve one problem just to get another one. Good luck on the stations
My Doctor has said he’s not going to put me on any medication. He thinks it’s nothing to worry about at the moment, and my cholesterol level was 7.3.