Hi Are those on Baricitinib stopping it before getting the flu jab and if so how long for ? Is there any information about this anywhere- i can't seem to find any? Thank you xx
flu jab and Baricitinib: Hi Are those on Baricitinib... - NRAS
flu jab and Baricitinib

Annually had three flu jabs whilst on Baricitinib and didn’t stop it, wasn’t told to and had no adverse effects. Hope that helps.
I didn’t. But I will for my Covid jab.
I didn’t stop for any of my five Covid jabs and again, no adverse effects and no one said stop. Bet we’re all told something different……….🙄
it’s not about adverse reaction but about allowing immune system to crank up a bit so it recognises/responds to the vaccination. Well, that’s my layperson’s understanding!
here’s the NRAS article on it: nras.org.uk/resource/inform...
In 20+ years I have never come off any RA drug to have the flu vaccination….only timed things to conform to some Biologic infusions.
It’s only since Covid this question has popped up.
my rhuemy advice line are telling me not to stop my normal meds/ injection . Only time I would stop it is if I had an infection
I also have never stopped my meds for the flu jab.
Another one who’s never been told to stop any meds before having the flu jab.
i was told that as my infusion is every 8 weeks, i was told try and get my jabs in the middle and come off my metho for about 2 weeks. So we are all being told different. Perhaps have a word with you rhuemy and see what will work best for you. I have just had my 6th Jab and was ill for 3 days so glad i decided not to take metho tabs. My flu jab is coming up in a wrek or so so will be off it for then as well.