Right here goes,sorry if it is long. Yesterday i had a call my from my rheumy nurse giving me the results of my x-rays on my entire back. I have wear and tear all the way down from my neck down my back. It is a body blow which i knew was coming to be honest as my back and neck is so sore at the moment. Oa is what they call it and it means more surgery in the future for me, As you know i have been suffering a lot of late and this just adds to my misery. I am seeing the neuro surgeon on Saturday and we will see what he can do for me to at least get some relief of some of this pain. I know i am not as clued up on my health problems as some of you are,and to be honest i am not sure if i really want to know. I always knew i would get worse,but not like this,but i will fight on as you know i can't quit i have too much fight in me,the body might not be willing,but the spirit is thats for sure.I thank you all for all your support and love and i wouldn't manage this journey without you all. Love you all very much.xxxxx
My life just keeps getting better and better(not),,,,, - NRAS
My life just keeps getting better and better(not),,,,,

Sorry to hear this Sylvi. It's awful when ones body starts failing. So frustrating isn't it. I have disc problems and arthritis in my neck and spine. Gives me cracking headaches. Really feel for you. I'm glad you have a great husband to take care of you.
Love your photography by the way. Keep doing that. Any creative pursuit helps with life's challenges I reckon.
Go easy.
Oh Sylvi I feel for you, I have the same, found out several months ago. It is a blow that's for sure. Quite possible I may have to face surgery in the future, but getting quite good at keeping it at bay! I just keep myself active as much as possible, although I know it's not always possible for others. Until I can't put up with it any longer, that's when I'll give in. Luckily I have an understanding GP who knows me very well & supports any of my decisions.
Chin up Sylvi, as you know we're all here for you. Virtual Hugs to you. xx
Sorry to hear this Sylvi but we all know your a fighter and will never give up and brighten up the day with your lovely photos and with a lovely other half who looks after you (we'd be lost without them) xxx
Not what you wanted to hear I'm sure. But you are one real gutsy lady Sylvi and you will fight on all the way as you normally do. Thank goodness for your lovely husband too. Love the photo. Big hug. X
ohhhhhh no hugs xx
Gentle hugs lovely lady xx I guess when I say to Doc / Rheumy I actually feel quite normal again! They say don’t be under any illusion it won’t last ☹️ Well done to you for staying strong 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Dearest Sylvi.
You are a real trouper and such a good example to us. I have shuermans (cant spell) disease of spine and a cyst with a dislocated veribrae. They want to cage part of my back but im not having it till im desperate, if at all. I have had epidural injections and that really helped. However I dont have a problem with full back which must be such a challenge.
You are amazing. Im so greatful to read your contributions on this forum. Thankyou. Hugs to you x
Big hugs to you. xxx
It's hard isn't it Sylvi? Somehow knowing results confirming our pain doesn't help when it may mean more surgery. I have had 3 cervical spine fusions , totally fused from c1 to T1 and damage all the way down due to RA and osteoporosis. Neurosurgeon cannot operate now as bones too fragile, they break all the time. Osteoporosis infusions suspended due to a lump in my jaw which may be serious. Ive had melanoma. However we have been looking after our 6 year old grandson in the holidays who is lots of fun if exhausting! about to have our two sons and their families visiting from abroad so have to get it together! I love your photos, they brighten the day and your holidays sound a treat - a challenge to be sure as nowhere like our own bed when in pain is there? I hope so much that your doctors can help you with the pain. I do a chair yoga class as can't stand up for long and it helps with my breathing as my spine has affected my lungs. It helps and I love the calm atmosphere in the class. Wishing you a peaceful day xx
Sorry to hear you're still having these blows. Sending you love and best wishes Sylvi. Xx
Oh Sylvi. I really feel for you. Your problems seem to be piling up. I hope you get answers to your problems today from the neuro surgeon. Love the photo.
I am really so sorry to hear that Sylvi. You are an inspiration and an amazing lady, keep your chin up! Lots of love xxx
Thank you all very much for your words of comfort and support. It is so comforting to know there are so many of you out there supporting me. Ilove you all very much.xxxx