My bumpy road with autoimmune and other vistors - NRAS


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My bumpy road with autoimmune and other vistors

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16 Replies

Hi all, I have only joined this site a few weeks ago and all I can say is that I'm hooked on it. People sharing their struggles, words of encouragement....It makes one feel "normal" and not so alone. One suffering with RA or any other autoimmune disorders {that's what I call them}, one can't explain the way that they feel to others. Us warriors are in a league of our own! I use the term Warriors, because that's what we are. My RA specialist has on numerous occasions has commented that "a normal" person would not be able to tolerate the actual pain, treatments, exhaustion...ANYTHING that we do. She has had men drop when she has had to inject them with cortisone in their joints. OK ..its not pleasant , but not that bad!!

So let me get onto why I decided to post this...……..

When I was 20 yrs old, I am now 51, I stared getting the most horrendous headaches that I could not function. I went to a Dr and he just said it was a migraine. I wasn't satisfied with the answer, as they were so severe. I couldn't function. He brushed me off and gave me a neurologists number. I made the appointment and went to see him. He checked me out, and at that time encephalitis was going around, I think that was why I insisted in seeing a specialist and never took the GP's word. The neuro did his examination and decided to do a CAT Scan on me. Now in South Africa the 1st MRI machine had just been installed in the hospital that he was at. He then required me to have a MRI where they discovered I had a aneurism. I was in shock, but I knew something was not right, and that's why I insisted that I go to a specialist. I was booked immediately into hospital. The neurosurgeon plus the neurologist both came to visit with me to schedule a brain op. So there I was a 20 year old with long blond hair...there is a reason I am telling you about my was my crowning glory!! Whilst in hospital I needed to go and call my mom. No cellphones then. I went into the nurses station to use the phone, I remember this as if it was yesterday, I was so traumatized by this. There was a woman in a wheelchair that had just had brain surgery. Her head was clean shaven and so very swollen. My heart sank I just thought to hair!!! I made a decision then and there that I was not going to have the op. How conceited I was at that time or rather I should say insecure I was with myself thinking that my hair was who I am. Ten years later and nine aneurisms later I was told by another neurosurgeon that it was a life or death situation. My operation was meant to be a 4hr op which went to hrs. I was meant to have been in ICU for 2 days. 2 days went to a week. I thank G-d that I never had the op initially as 10 years later the medical equipment was far more developed and I had a world class neurosurgeon operate on me. I am in the medical journal with regards to my aneurisms,

Perhaps 5-6 years later i started getting this indescribable pain in my legs. My feet felt as if they were on fire......I couldn't walk with shoes, I couldn't stand or sit. I was checked into hospital an they couldn't find anything wrong with me. I was just exhausted all the time. I was sent from one specialist to another. I went to see a Prof of Rheumatology. He did some tests on me, we chatted and he was the first person that actually knew what I was describing. He handed me pages and pages in a brown envelope and told me to go home and read about what I have.....what do I have???? you know it actually comes up in spell check now …..before it was a figment of our imagination. I went home and read with tears running down my cheeks...….IT'S NOT IN MY MIND. WHAT I FEEL IS REAL!!! After a while work was becoming impossible for me as the brain fog was setting in. I had to carry a notepad around writing everything down as not to forget, so I wouldn't get fired. I was a PA to a board of directors. The pressures of work and life had burnt me out...Eventually I was medically boarded as I was not capable of doing my job. From being OCD with my job and a control freak with everything I now had no control of my life whatsoever.

Fast forward seven years body ached differently this time. I could barley get off a couch, every joint in my body ached beyond the pain I knew. I was stiff, swollen and in agony. Surprise, another specialist visit which I was diagnosed with severe RA. I burst into tears not me not again, I just cant do this anymore were my thoughts. I never actually knew what RA was, but to be diagnosed with another condition I just couldn't handle it. My Rumy is to me the most incredible, kind and caring DR. She discussed all the meds I was going to put on. I started with Methotrexate pills then had to change to injecting. After months and months of no success I was eventually given the option of being one of the 1st here {in SA} to be on the trials for biologics. It was very daunting to me to start such a unknown journey , especially when you are given what can happen to you on them. I asked a family member of mine who is a Prof of Endocrinology please to guide me as I was actually now petrified to start a treatment that can cause cancer!!! She did some research for me. Her answer regarding the cancer, is that if there are cancer cells in your body they are there already. It will not cause cancer. Whilst I have been on numerous biologics, it has taken me years to find one that eventually started working. I am on Actemera at present and its working well. I will most probably be having to change my biologic as I had a back op about 3 years ago and apparently I have arthritis in my back/hip. Actemera is not suitable for assisting with that.

Unfortunately I am a Murphy's Law person. From the all the meds, my body want satisfied with RA and Fibro it decided they needed a little friend called Lupus, it's very mild but shows up when tested. I have an incredible neurologist that I have been with forever. He put the biologics in a nutshell for me...I complained about them often to him and he said that if it wasn't for them I would be in a wheelchair by now. That put everything that day into perspective for me. I know I complain about being 10kg fatter, I have infusions every 28 days, yes there are so many things that are negative, but the most important thing that I have to be so thankful for is that I'm walking and to be thankful just for today. One step at a time and one day at a time

Here I am today and you know what I am actually ok. Yes I get tired, yes my pain is sometimes so unbearable. Yes I have major sleeping issues.Even with days staying in bed with no energy and the non relenting pain in every part of my body But you know what us Warriors we are resilient and we do survive.

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16 Replies
nomoreheels profile image

What an interesting medical life you've had. What particularly impressed me was the choice (& reason 💇🏼‍♀️) you made over not having the op for your eneurism, how much foresight you had, even though you couldn’t have possibly known what the future held in neuroscience.

I'm pleased you found us & sure your RD history & experiences will serve you in helping others here as much as it gives back to you. 😊

Shazrab profile image

Hi and welcome I just want to say I really admire your bravery and how you pushed drs to get the right answers . You have so much wrong with you yet as you say youv got so much good things going on . Good for you for being positive , I too have fibromyalgia and i was diagnosed about I think 12 years ago I’d never heard of it and neither had anyone else. I wish given some information about it back then from the dr who was a rhummy but he didn’t I got sent to the pain clinic was put on proper pain medication for that and my arthritis . All iv learned about Fibro is what iv read on the computer and that’s not much. I wish you all the very best for your future and take good care of yourself 🌹🌹

Eiram50 profile image

All I can say is, Wow!

And welcome. It is good to have you with us.

sylvi profile image

I don't know about us being warriors I know you are darling. I know you will say your no different to anyone else, but from my perspective you are top of the tree and I think your one brave person.xxxxx

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Help- in reply to sylvi

Thank you but a tree has branches xxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Help-

Yes they do and you have managed to be at the top

Help- profile image
Help- in reply to sylvi

you have made me cry xxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Help-

Why darling? xxxx

Help- profile image
Help- in reply to sylvi

One never sees themselves as others see you, you gave me such a complimeny

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Help-

Only speaking the truth

Leics profile image

You are quite right we are all warriors. Let’s face it everyone we know has issues of one thing or another. None of us should have to have these rotten diseases and everything that it throws at us but it’s a part of life and there is good and bad in it for everyone. I was diagnosed at the age of 34 with bowel cancer and my surgeon didn’t believe me at first because of my age and I didn’t have the ‘usual’ symptoms. But I persisted and it took pretty major surgery to get rid of it. That was 20 years ago nearly and although I have RA and fibromyalgia and as a result of cancer have a permanent colostomy which can cause problems all of its own lol. I can still kick ass when I need to and I never do ‘the normal symptoms’ for anything. Warriors indeed but still have a life just not what it should be for a 55 year old. Hey ho cest la vie as they say. I think this disease and the other things health wise, side effect of drugs etc definitely make us stronger but I think I would growl at any doc that ever tells me he thinks my symptoms are depression. I also lost my mum when I was 16 so my sister who was 17 and myself had to learn to pay bills and take on the adult stuff perhaps much earlier than we should have. Ancient history now but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger as they say. 😃

Help- profile image
Help- in reply to Leics

I take my hat off to you.... don't you sometimes just sit and laugh at yourself. I know I do.... We have to trust our instinct. I am blessed to have a strong support group of friends and family, but they still don't get it. I went to see my psychologist today and just broke down....One thing i never do. I told her im exhausted from being sick. I think the rainy weather had something to do with the mood. Oh and soooo agree with the depression thing. I wish Dr's all could walk in our shoes for just one day

Leics profile image
Leics in reply to Help-

Yeah I have my moments when I’ve just had enough and have a good cry it can creep up on you sometimes occasionally out of the blue but usually coz I’m exhausted and in tremendous pain. I’m lucky too I have a fantastic hubby who has to do most things for me and two grown up girls and a new granddaughter. Life could be much better but I’m not complaining and you’re right it’s impossible to explain this disease and people just don’t get it with the exception of most people on this forum who have been there done that and got the t-shirt 😃

Help- profile image
Help- in reply to Leics

What i can't believe is that this healthunlocked just popped up in my mailbox. A total gift to me. I just want to say thank you to you and to everyone else for sharing. It makes one feel not so alone anymore xxxxx

Help- profile image

Well I'm sending you a big hug and kiss today xxxx

Fantastic read! I take my hat off 👒to you!! your a true warrior. I believe in one step at a time and making the most of each day good or bad! one life live it!!!! Keep well 🤗X

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