PIP Medical: That was an interesting day yesterday at... - NRAS


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PIP Medical

52 Replies

That was an interesting day yesterday at my pip interview. I was asleep on the chair in their waiting room as appointments were running late, was not so much asleep but kept fighting to stay awake and focused as it is very hard on the meds that I am taking. Lady on reception was very concerned along with another interviewer as they could see that I was struggling fighting to stay conscious and gave me 🥃 of water. I flopped again and dropped it, same went for the next one, oh boy mes on their carpet as nodded off again spilt water everywhere.i was not aware that reception and another interviewer were watching me as well as a camera above.

After an hour I walked like a drunk person struggling all the way stopping several times on route to the interviewers room. She asked me to sit, not sure where but that was the first mistake as did not understand where she wanted me to sit, she changed the subject and seemed cross that I did not follow her instructions, so out of it I don’t know what she said Or follow her instructions as I am presently off my face on the pills that I am taking. She proceeded to ask me why was I there. To be honest yesterday I did not have a flipping clue so I hesitated and said you asked for me, I think that it was a mental health test. She asked if I knew where I was again, I replied in her roomed she asked why. I did not have much of a clue yesterday, guess that was not one of my better days.

She asked me where was my cell phone.Lost it yesterday briefly so answers that I did not know which was true. She said oh I have been trying to call you for a couple of days. Interesting I thought why as by then I forced myself to try and concentrate and my adrenaline was keeping me going.

She was in for an argument and wanted again to know why I did not answer my phone, it is like they expect me to answer if they call.

Then she asked how was my holiday, what holiday I thought, she said I looked well tanned.

Forgot that I had taken my daughter on holiday.

It has been sunny has it not I replied.

Ah well. She asked me about my conditions and how were the affecting me, did I use a bath aid toilet aid etc, told her yes, how did I wipe my back side etc, could I now bath with a bath aid. I told her three times I can only shower and slowly. She asked if I could make myself a meal in a microwave, my answer was. I cannot easily as presently having serious problems with left arm which is true after having a nasty seizure I have lost the use and waiting for neurology to see me today at 09:00,told her and showed her right hand and forearm are sore and she could see very swollen, cut on my head from a fall,

told her that cannot presently lift a saucepan or hold food to chop it up to cook, could I make a drink she asked, same answer cannot lift a kettle which is true. What did I drink was her reply, water from a special cup and eat with a spork when I have food. She asked who helped me,told her friends staying, and when friends are not here she asked, told her that I go without which is true as no delivery of meals on wheels here

she said food again,told her sausage rolls,talking of which I do honestly struggle and have nearly chocked ten times recently as the hernia is stopping me swallowing, explained this as well. She could clearly see that I was struggling!as my voice has almost gone as well.

Then she asked if I had been drinking, I knew what she was getting at, answer was I do not 🍷, cheeky nurse that she was. She did several cognitive tests all of which I genuinely failed as I am so drugged just now I was unable to comprehend what she was asking of me.

I also had a minor seizure in her room and had an accident wetting her chair. That did not go down well at all. She did not stop to let me clean myself up so sat on my own pee for 20 minutes.

She then asked how did I get here today, got a lift from friend, she asked why was friend not in the room with me. Do they need to be I have done nothing wrong I answered.How was I getting home she asked, I said she must call a lift for me.Do I use any social media groups she asked no was my reply. She repeated her self and asked Facebook twitter etc I replied no.She asked did I use the Internet, I said yes for email but struggle to type as double vision and make many typing mistakes because of this. I am sure that they check social media accounts but I do not use them so it’s ok.

Watch out if you post your pictures or videos on line I thought, they probably have an account on this website too.

Still sitting in my wet jeans and her chair soaked, I stood up as was in pain, used her desk for support and it took me three goes to stand, she could see that I had had an accident and asked if I used nappies or pad when I go out. Told her no I do. Or go out once again but the only places that I go to are the doctors, the hospital.She looked very surprised but it is true, how did I get food she asked in a stern disbelieving way, I said it is delivered to the door which again is true. Friend has it delivered for me and the guy who can see that I am in pain puts it away for me.it is on my bank statements paid K or A for food on a weekly basis also had those but she did not want to check them.

Again she asked if I went out to pubs, i again said NO, she then pressed again about social media and mentioned Facecrap, no again I answered. I told her again I do not use social media.

Thinking back to when I first went into the interview room, she was inter mating for me to pull the chair that I sat on beside hers so she could type on the pc and I could see what she was typing but I don’t have a clue what she said as I was concentrating on sitting down fast before I fell over.

Hope her room stinks this morning of pee as she would not let me leave. Luckily for me I had a spare pair of jeans and underwear with me and she actually asked what was in the bag so I tipped my things out including papers that I took of medical reports and clothes as they fell on her table.anyway she said she was not interested in the papers and would source them herself. Not worried all on file.

She is very lucky I did not strip off then and there and get changed. I would have done if it had been a guy as it was a closed room.

She later asked me to do an eye test, told her I can see but double vision,this is true and need larger print because of this, while I make excuses that it is a typing error on here sometimes the meds cause trouble with my vision even on large fonts. Must have corrected this posting thirty times or more, so many pills cause vision problems for me.

She could see all the way through the interview I was drifting in and out barely conscious as at one stage she offered me water, shIT I don’t know when as I was so out of it yesterday. Probably wrote in her report that I was on spice and acted like a zombie lol Another interviewer had been watching me on 🎥 and popped in asking if I was alright as she had seen me i the waiting room. Interested as they must watch on camera.

I do not recall half of the interview but they have my scripts and clearly can see what meds I am on, she was not interested in how sore I was but did ask where I sleep, told her on a bed 🛋 downstairs as unable to manage getting up the stairs.

Interview terminated after 90 minutes. They watched me struggling to get up and out of the 🚪 stopped three times to get to their main reception and door door trying to use the wall for balance, I was genuinely in pain. As I approached reception there were at least seven staff all sitting in the waiting area having a meeting, two of them that I had not seen before got up and asked me if i wanted to sit. Guess that they could clearly see I was staggering down the passage.

The large envelope I had with me in huge letters on it had call this number to get me home, they did my lift was outside.

As I left the building one of the ladies watched me go for the door and trying to get out as I could not find my way through the door with the interviewer closely watching me as well.

As I stepped onto the road the car directly outside, I was aware of being watch all the way into the 🚗.

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52 Replies
Amy65 profile image

Hi know exactly how u feel I had similar experience. Hope it goes ok for u .x amy

keeta profile image

I.m so sorry that you had an awfull day with ignorent horrible people.it annoys me how disbelieving these people are.we should not have to prove ourselves to these people.we go to soooo many appt with so many doctors .who can tell how much pain we are in and how vulnerable we are.

We shouldn.t have to go through this .our doctors should say how ill we are and if we are eligable for any payments orr grants.not these nasty peoplewho are only out to make you fail.

Bless you .rest today love.gentle hugs .kathy xx

in reply tokeeta

Hey I am not worried but for several other staff members could see I was struggling to stay conscious they should have cancelled the interview. I am tougher than that and if they can function on the crap I have to take good luck to them. The seizure that I had was from no I g meds prescribed by different consultants, it is not the first one either. Today I feel more alive and have just been reading that I must not take Slozem with prednisone or atorvastatin. It clearly states this. Called my local dispensary and asked why?! Still awaiting an answer. Currently only taking 16!pills a day and a gtn spray. I am so sick of pills. No wonder my GP is confused as he does not agree with so many scripts that I am being given. I managed pretty well on ibuprofen co codamol or tramadol for a while without all of this other crap. No wonder I had Steven Johnson syndrome as the leaflets on one box state this is can be a side effec of mixing what has been prescribed. Want to k ow why pharmacy has not picked this up.

Sharing my experience yesterday will allow others to know what happens. Did it worry me, not one little bit. But it just goes to show how sneaky they are. I did notice the other interviewer who was worried about me was the lady that called for my lift and offered me water and also brought it into the interview room.

Next time I will be ready for them. I might be wrong about them and appreciate that they have a job but do not see how one nurse can contradict many consultants reports and mri scans.

keeta profile image
keeta in reply to

Glad you are feeling better today love .take care hugs kathy xx

helixhelix profile image

Crazy system....once they'd checked you'd not rolled out of the pub to the interview you should have been declared too ill to continue, and the whole thin postponed. However I hope you get highest rate for everything in recompense!

in reply tohelixhelix

If I had someone with me I am sure it would have been stopped. The nurse failed I was hypoglycaemic as I left there and went straight to outpatients. The funny thing is I must have drifted in and out of consciousness several times. I hope one day to accompany someone else. It would make my day as I know what they are looking for. I also secretly recorded everything. Do t care if it is not legal the internet is a powerful place

Gnarli profile image

It sounds an inhuman inquisition which should have been stopped as soon as it became obvious that you were obviously too poorly to be out of bed. I look forward to hearing you have been awarded highest rates available. Huge virtual hugs


in reply toGnarli

Probably will her nothing lol. I have a feeling that the nurse is a member or watcher on here. Shame as other peeps were very sympathetic towards me

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to

I understand that fraudulent claims of any benefit are stealing from those who really need them and which the country can barely afford. However, when health care professionals are of the opinion that benefits are needed and medical evidence is provided to prove it why the heck do these assessments have to be so draconian? Some people must enjoy their jobs too much.

in reply toGnarli

Why did she refuse to look at the consultants reports and a full body MRI

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to

I suspect they will be doing their own checks but it still doesn't make sense to me. I cannot begin to second guess the system or those operating it. I'm only clinging to what's left of my sanity by my eyelashes as it is.

in reply toGnarli

Maybe a humble nurse does not trust the word of consultants and MRI scans from two different hospitals. Maybe she gets a bonus for not letting me claiim

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to

That allegation has been made before

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

If this woman is spying for the DHS on this site she should be ashamed of hersel......doubly so if she is a nurse!

But remember Karma...what goes around comes around.

I guess she was the boss lady, otherwise surely the other staff would have taken her aside & told her to stop your interview as you were obviously too poorly to continue.

Wish you well, Minty.

in reply toAgedCrone

She did at the beginning ask if I knew why I was there. It would be interesting if they played back their cctv from the reception as any judge would have stopped the interview as clearly I was not compos mentis.

My friend that took me said we stopped at a garage as a we had a slow puncture. Anyway they repaired the tyre, three staff members asked her if I was ok, I must have looked high on something. She also told me that she was cross with me for going ahead with the assessment as I was not in a fit state. She has already written to them enclosing her GMC number but I doubt anything will come of it.

Still cannot get over the lady on my interview asking me twice if I used Facebook, maybe they trawl it looking at claimants information. Big brother is certainly watching.

Also the interviewer told me she called me twice, why did I not answer my phone. Do I need to answer my phone, surely it is my right.

But my suspicious mind is working here. Were they trying to check to see if I am capable of answering my phone, is this another one of their dirty tricks.

It is over for now and I can manage without this system supporting me but it would be nice to get some help and a reduction on my council tax.

in reply toGnarli

They should have come to the 🏠

Nsmith13 profile image

We are the warriors and we won't let them rule us my assessment went in my favour but it was horrible I've got war wounds but I will mend and so will you just hope you get what you deserve and it makes your life a bit easier eventually x

in reply toNsmith13

If the lady is human and has any compassion I will succeed in my claim. If not I can appeal if it is worth it but do not know the first thing about how to appeal and citizens advice is too far to travel. It did not cross my mind why she did not stop the interview.

I am sure that they go searching on social media for claimants but what a question to ask.

Has anyone else been asked if they use social media on their pip interview???

Misslovely profile image
Misslovely in reply to

I used to work on the Pip helpline

When you get your decision letter - read it thoroughly and if you disagree then call Pip and request a Mandatory Reconsideration. Once you have a decision letter for the recon, if you still disagree then take it to appeal. You dont always need to go to court if you do appeal it. The decision letters will advise you on how to do this.

Regarding your medical - you could complain about how it was held and handled by the assessor, you need to call the healthcare assessors for that rather than Pip (pip dont deal with internal complaints about the medical as they use a 3rd party such as Capita & Atos - whatever theyre called these days!)

Hope you ate awarded correctly in the first instance

Fingers crossed for you xx

in reply toMisslovely

Hi miss lovely. I do not have a clue where to find healthcare assessors complaints number. As I have work d overseas I have little knowledge of the UK system, only know I paid enough tax in until this year

in reply toMisslovely

The only reason I could walk into the assessment centre as I was on on probably one of the strongest pain killers that we have in the 🇬🇧, my friend Thame to see me today and bring my daughter as she is looking after her for me. She told me that she took me for a coffee before and a 🍰. I must have been so off my face as I honestly do. It remember the cake and coffee

in reply toNsmith13

What did they assess you for if you do not mind sharing

Hessie5 profile image

What a dreadful story Minty - I sincerely hope your day improved. Do take it easy. Wishing you well.

in reply toHessie5

I am out of here in two days, cannot wait

Nsmith13 profile image

My RA I don't think all my other stuff matters as that's the one that affects most of my everyday living and mobility and makes life so bloody difficult an so frustrating finding new ways to cope with all it throws at you, and like I've said being in contact on this forum is just the best for me and has really helped me when I've been struggling to come to terms with this nasty disease

jomojo profile image

Bad enough struggling daily with RA and many other conditions without putting you through that. Shame on them. I hope you get top rate and never have to endure that again Minty.

My friend ( who works fulltime herself ) took her brother ( age 36 ) who has down syndrome and leukemia. Because of the change in routine, going to an unfamiliar place and anxiety at not attending his day center had an accident in the car at the PIP center. She rang to explain that they were there but would have to take him back home as he was in a bad way and needed to be changed. The women said would it help if I came down to you? We can interview there. My friend felt as though her tone suggested she didn't believe her. So said if you think thats necessary but Its will need to be quick and Id rather reschedule. They PIP lady opend the car door, saw how frantic he wad reeled back and screwed up her face then said yes I think its best we will come and observe him in his day center.

Which my friend had originally suggested! The system beggers belief.

AgedCrone profile image

Why don't you send a copy of your post to your MP, asking if the behaviour of the interviewer was within guidelines.

It surely can't be ?

I'm sure even suspects at a police station are not treated this badly.

in reply toAgedCrone

Would it make a difference if I send a letter? Would my MP be able to see the cctv recordings?

I know I could obtain at least four statements from people to ascertain how poorly I was the other day, if the staff at the assessment centre were honest they too know to do the right thing. I have more important things to do right now and that is to look after myself as I have n operation on Tuesday. Do you know how long it takes to receive a pip decision?

Kelly the person that took me said I was clearly hypoglycaemic when I cam out of the assessment center. Interesting. Let’s face it those people at pip see all sorts of tricks I am sure of people scamming the system, but if anyone can function on what I am on good luck to them

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

It might start the ball rolling Minty....if we all put up with the really dreadful treatment you received & say nothing to the people who might be able to change things.....it will just continue....& do remember CCTV recordings are deleted periodically.

Although I understand MP's & Councillors know this kind of thing happens, if nobody gives them factual evidence of actual incidents like you describe they can't do anything. I speak to local Councillors regularly & that is their main concern.....no evidence to continue complaints.

Why don't you print off your letter, then wait until after your operation is over,& when you are hopefully feeling better.......decide whether to pursue this?

Maybe as you demonstrated how unwell you are, your PIP application may go through a bit faster.....let's hope so.

in reply toAgedCrone

Print of the letter, what letter? The operation is more important, look I should not have gone, my own stubbornness kicked in like 🐶 with a bone but wanted it out of the way as under the knife next week for a couple of hours, Tuesday is s a long day, out Wednesday I hope, could not chance missing two pip appointments. I am already in serious crap from an ex gf for going to the interview. She called me stupid and worse, she said I need a brain test,I received lectures until yesterday evening and she sat on the chair all night watching over me. Again.

Ok today,except I woke up thinking it was Sunday. Just found out on top of all the other meds back on prednisone as well as the RA 16 pills a day,I seriously do not know how anyone can function taking so much crap as I am doing. I know she will be going to the hospital and she will ask why do they not just fix the immediate problem and I must stand my ground and tell them that they are giving me too many pills, we all have ailments but the others can wait for a while. In the mean time I have to get packed soon as my cottage is sold. At least my daughter is in safe hands which is a huge relief as I do not want her seeing me like this. Life goes on. Would be interesting to see the full pip report as any barrister would tear the pip interviewer to shreds for proceeding, she should have been struck off. Shame I don’t even know her name. I think she handed me papers to claim fuel costs, not sure as cannot recall, have been in 🛏 for two days.

My problem is I do not know the nhs system or know people that do. Maybe once I move to Stamford things will be different as this area is very isolated.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

Minty...I meant the post you put up on here telling us of the dreadful experience you had at your PIP Interviiew.

That will explain to whoever you ask to help sort out your PIP Claim.

Maybe you could ask one of your friends to print it for you & hold it until you are ready to decide if you are going to pursue the matter.

I hope your operation is a success.

in reply toAgedCrone

I was reading on the internet and apparently ATOS should have terminated the assessment if is clear the claimants is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Prescribed Drugs definitely and they know what I am taking as this has already been submitted to them.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

Unfortunately Minty what SHOULD happen at these interviews very rarely does happen, as we read on here of the really awful experiences lots of people endure at PIP Assessments.

Hence. It would be good to show your interview experience to your MP, who should instigate an investigation of the office where the interview took place.

But I think right now Minty you should take things calmly & prepare yourself for your imminent surgery,

As I said, maybe one of your supportive friends can print your post & hold on to it until you get the result of your assessment.You never know you might get awarded the full allowance you are entitled to,& can then get on with your house move & find more supportive doctors in Stamford.

Your first move should be to find a new GP, & get a referral for a new diagnosis with some treatment that will be more successful.

If possible get a letter from your present GP detailing your present diagnosis & the drugs you are taking. Hopefully this would save time & get you faster treatment.

in reply toAgedCrone

There is no problem with RA that is confirmed, same for heart problem when under stress test,!pre diabetes can be co trolled same for hiatus hernia . They did a kidney biopsy and the left one to be removed Tuesday at noon. So yes a multitude of problems

in reply toAgedCrone

Sorry forgot to answer, I had the letters and consultants reports with me but the lady was not interested

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

Well hang on to the letters & when you have recovered from your surgery & moved house you will have them ready for your new doctors.

For now I'd try to relax ready for next week. I hope it all goes well.

Hattie23 profile image

truly shocked for you. good luck and do let us know you get all the benefit you deserve

in reply toHattie23

Probably more chance of winning the lottery 🤣

Cheylann profile image

Wow what a long story u managed to write. Drugs didn't seem to affect your memory of what happened. What drugs are u on making u fall asleep and fall all over so I never let them give me those. I would be terrified if drugs made me so out of control. Horrible experience.

in reply toCheylann

Hi Cheylann. I copied it and pasted as friend typed it for me from how I could explain and a recording machine I had in my pocket.

Imagine having a whole bottle of whiskey with tramadol, that is how I felt

Cheylann profile image
Cheylann in reply to

U still haven't said what drugs made u feel so bad. Please share. Maybe u shouldn't have gone to interview in such a bad state. Probably thought u were drunk and won't help your cause.

in reply toCheylann

Here is the list

Oxynorm when nothing else works

Tramadol sr

Ferrous gluconate





Epilim chrono500


Folic acid


Folic acid

Hydroxychloroquine sulphate


Last but not least a gtn spray and a few paracetamol should I need them

Lamotrogone and epilim were added when I developed seizures on the methotrexate so I was take off it ASAP and swapped for other RA meds

Believe me if anyone can function on this lot. The pip Centre knew I was on this medicine as they were informed with proofs given but still insisted I attend while off my face.

Interesting that at least three staff members asked if I was ok as the interview was delayed by an hour. I looked a mess in their waiting room and know I was drifting in and out of conciseness.

I was opposite reception and they could see me. Look I did my best and was honest so let’s see.

All of this as a result of a chronic shoulder pain was the start of my troubles that needed further investigation.

They found out I have RA .a heart problem, haitus hernia, blood in urine from one kidney failing probably from the medication. Not a bad bunch of pills for someone with a very high pain threshold.

I am the sort of person that carries on regardless of pain. Offered a letter from the consultant to pip interviewer that stated I was suffering from chronic pain as a result of what they recently found, she was not interested. A nurse on 39k as there is a job advertise at the same center is trying to save the state money. While I agree people try anything my case is very genuine, tomorrow I am down to one kidney and what ever else they find.

The phone never stops with OT calling and they have today offered an electric stair chair, a little late now as the cottage is sold.

If you could have seen me say nine months ago you would not know me now as I have also lost nearly 6kg and I look very tired

Cheylann profile image
Cheylann in reply to

Gosh what a lot of drugs! Question is do they work? If u developed epilepsy from MTX Surely stopping it solved the problem.

Wonder which of those drugs made u so drowsy and "out of things".

No way I would ever take all those drugs unless they really worked and gave me a pain free quality of life.

Never mind PIP I would go to GP not for a letter but to review all those drugs. Just my opinion as I realise I don't walk in yr shoes.

in reply toCheylann

If I stop the epilim even though it was a side effect I cannot get my drivers licence back. Consultant says I have to stay on it, why other choice do I have for now. As for the heart meds I need to have those too for now but I am cutting out the pain meds and never abuse them

Lyneal profile image

What a horrible experience for you, am shocked at the way you were treated. I have RA am on Methotrexate injections, do not have a blue badge or anything else, just feel that on good days I look perfectly normal so don’t think I would qualify for anything. But I do hope you get all you need. I do see people on benefits and wonder how some peop,e get everything @nd others who really need help get nothing, so unfair.

Cheylann profile image
Cheylann in reply toLyneal

Yes I agree. I'm in the same boat. On good days I look well and in fact on most days as I've learnt to live with my pain and just manage it as best I can without moaning as that makes it worse. Also on MTX injections and I qualify for nothing as I look well !

Shalf profile image

Minty, Go to your GP and explain what happened. Ask him/her to write a letter for you explaining what happened. Preferably the GP send it to DWP on your behalf. Ask if you can have another assessment at home this time.

Rules are rules I know but common sense is getting less these days! I would if in your shoes! Take care - Suzie x

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply toShalf

Apologies - just realised your in hospital today. Best of luck with op! x

in reply toShalf

I had a Partial nephrectomy, surgery went well, fed up now want to go home 🏡 cannot sleep 💤 even in a nice cushy room as every half an hour someone comes to check on me or check something.

in reply toShalf

Have to say. After working all my life I am very disappointed at the pip assessment. If the UK gov don’t want to help me they can keep the system and my british citizenship. I will go back to being a foreigner in another country.

Boudica1 profile image
Boudica1 in reply to

Hi, its not just PIP. ESA are just as bad as in ignoring anything DRs, Consultants say. As for the meds you can show them every thing you're taking, they know which meds are for what and still they don't believe you're ill. They stopped ESA payments and said I was able to work, so had to go back to work against doctors orders and collapsed and now much worse. Apparently they think no matter what is wrong you can find some sort of work and pointed to some one in a wheel chair working. Really?! So they are physically unable but other wise healthy and don't need drugs or feel constantly ill. If thats their yard stick we're up the creek unless bed ridden.

Oh as for other types of conditions my younger sister is bed ridden, can't sit up or even hold her own head up and has no use of any limbs or digits and has brain damage and they still wanted her to attend one of their meetings. We had a real fight to get them out to the house and then the assessor was so mortified they practically ran out of the house especially when we lifted my sisters top so they could see that her spine was twisted to the front and the ribs where going round to the back. They haven't bothered since as everything goes through automatic now. I think they learned their lesson on that occasion. I wonder if the assessor needed treatment for the shock?

in reply toBoudica1

I am sure that a lot of companies will not take on disabled people because of insurance liabilities, especially the ones on high doses of medication

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