I have a very large disposal bin for the metaject sharps which I wouldn’t want to take on holiday. What do people do? Thanks. I’ve preciously travelled with heparin injections but each had its own safe case so it wasn’t an issue. I will need to use two metaject pens while away
Metaject - disposal on holiday?: I have a very large... - NRAS
Metaject - disposal on holiday?

I just stuff them back in the box they came in, bring them home and put them in my sharps bin.
I did think of that, although technically the needle (and toxic med) is exposed as the lid doesn’t go back on...
My Rhuematology department supply a small one for holidays
I was given a small travel sharps bin by Healthcare at Home who deliver my Benepali. If you’re traveling abroad you will need a customs letter too for the meds!
I've been given a small sharps bin by the rheumy dept before and also been supplied with one by H@H. I'm currently away in Dorset for a little break and will do what helixhelix says and put it back in the box and bin it when I get home. The pen is locked so needle stick is not possible and nobody will be fossicking through my stuff anyway. Hope this helps
I take them to a local pharmacy for safe disposal. Was never refused anywhere in Europe.
Alternatively, if there is no convenient pharmacy, I do as Helix says.
Hi girli if you are flying on holiday I suggest you get a letter either from your gp or rheumy to explain why you are carrying sharps. That covers you taking them unused and used. I fly a lot and have not seen stopped by security but you never can tell they seem to change their rules quite frequently. Have a ģreat holiday.
Could you see if there is a local doctors/hospital you could go to to dispose of them ? If going through a travel agent - why not ask them, they must know what people with Type 1 Diabetes do with their needles ????
I’ve never had a problem when travelling abroad. I just pack them in my luggage to go in the hold, not hand luggage and haven’t been stopped