Stodgy food with MTX?: Since I had my Metaject... - NRAS


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Stodgy food with MTX?

10 Replies

Since I had my Metaject yesterday, and within an hour experienced deep queasiness, dizziness and headache, I decided to do what worked when I first had oral MTX.... eat stooge!

Fine excuse, but it appears to have helped.

One tiny bit of grated cheese fell off before the pizza went in the oven. I ate that and had to fetch a bowl in case, as it set my mouth doing that horrible watering you get prior to throwing up.

But it stayed down.

So did the pizza followed by a slim bar of Lindt chocolate.

However, still felt wiped out by 6.30pm. Cancelled going to dine with a group from my Bible,study at a new restaurant.

Bless them, they brought me a curry takeaway with starter too, to eat today instead.

I just enjoyed half of it for breakfast: Lamb curry, fragrant rice, veg curry. Yum! LOL

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10 Replies
Candy profile image

Hi, Have had the nauseous feeling after Methotrexate, even with injection and tried to cope with it by eating things like ginger biscuits, mints and drinking lime and soda, which seemed to help me, but won’t be to everyone’s taste. However when I’m having flare symptoms, all I want it stodgy food and tend to go for chips with curry sauce. For some reason this takes off symptoms!

in reply to Candy

Hi Candy!

Again, interesting. Stodge apparently helps. On oral MTX, I ate porridge that day.

The curry sauce would maybe help as it contains strong anti-inflammatory spices. And stodgy chips may aid with nausea.

Thanks for that. :-)

ITYFIALMCTT profile image
ITYFIALMCTT in reply to Candy

I haven't thought of that in years - I thought it was a strictly Liverpudlian thing! Some places have gravy and chips, others curry and chips :)

In some contexts

stodge = Nature's pain management

Matilda_1922 profile image

I always get that nausea feeling as soon as I have the injection. Take an anti emetic about half an hour beforehand and 3x the next day which might help. I go straight to bed as this helps slightly.

Drink loads of water but still get it. Have folic acid 5mg every day apart from MXT day.

I’m hoping once established in the biologic I can stop MXT.

in reply to Matilda_1922

Hi Matilda!

Thanks, interesting. I don’t yet have anti emetics. Truth be told, I have little faith in modern medicine for treating RA.

I wonder how half killing a person’s immune system is supposed to help!

It needs rebalanced, the auto antibodies reset, the root problem addressed.

MTX and all the rest are still just treating symptoms.

Meantime, till I can trust some alternative way, and afford it, MTX etc are needed.

The stodge seems to work for me on MTX days anyway. :-)

Matilda_1922 profile image
Matilda_1922 in reply to

I seem to eat more the next day too. This might be the reason why weight is going on rather than losing it.

I’m trying hard but it’s not easy as the consultant said losing weight will help with lower limbs. I don’t really have much problem there though.

I try and walk everywhere.

Matilda_1922 profile image
Matilda_1922 in reply to

I agree with you I would love to find something herbal wise that is kind to your body but helps RA.

At the moment financially I wouldn’t be able to pay for it.

If there were a natural treatment that works out there I’m sure the nhs would be using it.

in reply to Matilda_1922

The NHS is restricted by NICE guidelines.

Just as it was at first nobody believed scurvy could be cured by vit C, so it is with still today with some very simple remedies known to work for health.

Staying off potatoes (except sweet potatoes), rice and bread really helps me keep weight down, and I walk a few miles a day if able.

I bake my own spelt bread, non yeast as I cannot knead it. Saving for a bread machine for speciality flours! But I limit intake of spelt bread too. The gluten in it is unchanged over the thousands of years during which wheat has been modified.

But, got to get moving today after a very sloth like endurance of yesterday!

Bee well! (As far as possible, that is! :-D

oldtimer profile image

Having had RD for nearly 40 years, I reckon I have tried most things, including various dietary restrictions. And I did have a period of about 8 years when I didn't take any DMARDs. I thought I'd cracked it with only occasional and short-lived joint swelling and pain. But then suddenly I had a major flare and also problems with auto-immune suppression of my bone marrow. So now I'm back on conventional medication and very glad of it too. So, be careful out there!

in reply to oldtimer

Hi oldtimer!

Thanks for that. None of us had identical immune system responses, and it all seems rather unpredictable no matter what we do.

The prognosis is said to be better these days, for newly diagnosed cases since the change to early aggressive ‘drug therapy’ , recommended within 3 months of symptoms appearing.

That is, for most. Seropositive cases ‘can have a less certain outcome’ though.

Mostly, we need someone who sticks by us through it all, a tall order! :-)

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