Methotrexate : I have been off methotrexate for two... - NRAS


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I have been off methotrexate for two weeks as it did not agree with me and struggling with painful joints. Today I am face down on the bed

Now I have to work at it how to get up as my daughter would like to go to the park. I am not sure if to take some co-codamol with ibuprofen every bone is sore, at least no more meds until next week.

At least with the weather I wake up every morning with a smile, it is like being back in SA.

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16 Replies
Nicole2000 profile image

I know how difficult it can be when you have kids and they want you to be mummy and do all the mummy things and all you can feel is your joints pounding and you just want to cuddle up until it goes.

My girls have got better at understanding when I’m not well and can’t do what I use too. My youngest sometimes still ask for the impossible, like she wants me to come to her sports day for most of the day to watch her. I’m going through a flare up at the moment and I know I’ll be knackered, but already I’m trying to work out what pain medication combo I can take, so that I can be there for her. It’s difficult managing arthritis and kids, there’s no right or wrong, just coping on some days is all you can do. I have learnt over the years it’s not what you do for them, it’s the attention they receive, so on good days I make sure I do something with them that’s memorable, on not so good days I just make sure they know I love them. Remember quality time not quantity.

Take care of yourself, call your GP if the pains unbearable.

All the best.

Nicole x

in reply to Nicole2000

I have plenty of tramadol

Evaflo10s profile image

It is so difficult managing this with kids as well . I’m also having the sports day issue , uneven field and too hot weather. Too much pain relief and I won’t remember being there or too little and I won’t be able to be there !.

At least our children will learn empathy and perseverance and that we are doing our best .

Good luck to you both .

Elswick profile image

Oh bless you can’t you ring your rheumatic nurse she should be able to give you some pain relief you should not suffer like this especially if you have a child to look after I have been on methotrexate for 14 weeks now just starting to feel better seen nurse today they want to put me on methotrexate injection bloody horrible illness but keep positive keep chin up I no it’s not easy we’re all in the same boat hugs xxx

in reply to Elswick

I am sick of the whole situation. Got back from Mauritius and then for an endoscopy. Two hours later,I have two 3cm hernias, one is a hiatus hernia and not sure of the other, at least it explains kennel cough, we just add it to the list of problems with RA angina and SJS.

X-ray department would not let me see the X-ray of my arm and shoulder where the pain started. Which both my GP and I feel had nothing to do with RA.The X-ray department for the first time closed ranks on me,!they

Would not let me see the result X-ray on their screen, turned the screen off. Now I am waiting for my GP to call as he will also have all of the results by now and be pulling his hair out.

Last night I heard my daughter saying her prayers and it reduced me to tears when she asked Jesus to fix her daddy, Zina has been through too much with no mummy since she was one and things have been hard for her emotionally although I had a full time housekeeper and nanny. All I can say is thank goodness for true friends around the world.

in reply to Elswick

Today is going to be a sore one

Lyneal profile image
Lyneal in reply to Elswick

I gave up Methotrexate tablets in favour of the injections, as a result so much better on injections, far less side effects and joints good at the moment, mind you the warm weather helps. Hope things get better for you. X

Elswick profile image

Oh bless you why do these things happen to us I find it very hard to accept my situation that’s the problem I always looked after myself swimming walking good diet and I get this horrible thing god bless hope you feel better soon x

lovekittys profile image

Hi, I am so sorry you are in such pain, the doctors should have given you something until they put you on a different medicine. I hope you feel better.

in reply to lovekittys

Tramadol seems to be an answer but it can be addictive

Gnarli profile image

Hi Minty187. I wish there was something useful to say that would be helpful but all I can offer is my heartfelt sympathy. Hugs


in reply to Gnarli

Hospital just called they would like to perform an angiogram tomorrow ASAP due to cold legs. Gosh my GP knows how to spend money, glad he does not have my credit card. Legs were noted as a problem by a consultant ten days ago along with other things falling off. Hope that the hospital have a crèche or my friend will have to drive from Stamford to Exeter to collect daughter.

At least it is at the Nuffield in Exeter and I am not paying

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to

Oh flip. It's all fun and games in your house, eh? As if you didn't have enough on your plate as it was. I sincerely hope you get a positive result from your hospital visit. Hugs all round


Lyneal profile image

So sorry about it all. Good luck at hospital, must be so hard looking after children when a flare up comes on. My RA didn’t start until my Daughter’s were all grown up and left home. Don’t know how I would have coped. So full marks to you, and hope things improve soon.

in reply to Lyneal

I just changed my profile photograph,

Fish and chips are so yummy.

Not worried for tomorrow, just that I would love to get in my car and drive but it is a taxi for me.

Once I can get everything under control I can start to enjoy again with those that I love.

We only get one life so enjoy every minute

in reply to Lyneal

Have a great weekend everyone.

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