My thoracic back MRI recently showed my heart to be e... - NRAS


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My thoracic back MRI recently showed my heart to be enlarged.

Radiogirl profile image
14 Replies

My back is a mess, but I already knew that. My neck is a little better since my fusion surgery.

What I didn't know was that within the last 6 months my heart has become enlarged. I had a pre-surgical echocardiogram and stress test done prior to my cervical Fusion and Total Knee Replacement and everything looked fine.

I'll see my rheumy and my cardiologist in the next two weeks.

Has anyone else here experienced rapid heart changes shortly after your diagnosis?

I was diagnosed with RA a year ago.

I read this article as a link on Facebook. Hope it's alright to post the link here. If not, please let me know.

I'm not happy about this recent development. 😥. Curious to know how common this is.


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Radiogirl profile image
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14 Replies
rokia profile image

So sorry to hear about this new development in your health. I am here to help in any way, even sounding off on! I will research but remember my rheumy nurse specialist telling me that with RA one can develop heart issues. But don’t worry I hope you will get the info and tackle it head on. Take care

Radiogirl profile image
Radiogirl in reply to rokia

Thank you. I'm so frustrated. Life can change so quickly. I've got to be thankful for life's blessings and stay positive.

helixhelix profile image

First off, knowledge is the first step to managing these things so it is better to know than not know....

Anyway, some thoughts. I'm not a doctor but I don't think heart enlargement would show up on an echocardiogram or stress test. These look at the functioning of your heart rather than it's structure, so wouldn't pick up if there was a physical change to it as long as it was still working as it should. So this may not be something that has happened overnight.

I have an enlarged left ventricle, which was picked up on ultrasound. My stress test and echocardiogram were both fine.

As to the link you posted. I've looked at it and some of the references, and it is one from the doom and gloom school of life. Yes with RA there is a greater risk of cardiovascular problems, and we do need to keep careful eye on things and take preventative action. However a lot of the studies they refer to are small, single studies some of which date back to the 1960's. These days it is much better. Which is not a reason to be complacent, but just to put that article in perspective. Yet again, being a normal weight, not smoking and taking regular exercise are the best things to do and reduce your personal risk dramatically.

Enlarged hearts are also common among endurance athletes, as they make their hearts work very hard. The problem it causes is over time the enlarged heart wall muscle gets stiffer so finds it more difficult to beat. Mine is not due to me being an endurance athlete (😃), but having a dodgy valve so heart has to work harder to push blood through the valve. My cardiologist feels that it is currently at a moderate level and is unlikely to cause any problems until I am over 80, but should it progress more in next years then surgery could be considered. There may well be other reasons for enlarged hearts.

So, follow it up, learn more and work out how best to manage it. But try not to worry as that does you no good.

Radiogirl profile image
Radiogirl in reply to helixhelix

helixhelix, you possess so much wisdom. This is not the first time you have calmed my fears. I panic so easily. Thank you.

I didn't realize the echocardiogram and stress test wouldn't show enlargement. And, because it was only mentioned as a side note for further study on my MRI, I definitely need additional information. Another reason to hold off panicking. I have gained a lot of weight this past year with my meds and decreased exercise. I've got to get a handle on it and get things turned around.

Again thanks for your voice of reason. 😁

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to Radiogirl

Age has a few benefits....not many, but accumulating info is one of them.

thelmar profile image
thelmar in reply to helixhelix

The next stage is forgetting the info you had accumulated!!

wishbone profile image

Sorry to hear about your new problem.

Doubt the following will throw much light on things, but for what it's worth....

I've had RA for 15 years. Can't recall exactly how long after my RA started, but it wasn't very long, I had a mild heart attack. An angiogram could find no issues - arteries, valves, etc looked fine. I asked my cardiologist at the time if my RA could have been the cause. He replied no, as it was inactive at the time of the attack. Again I can't recall exact times, but I was taking anti-inflammatories around about then, or may have recently come off them. So I asked if they could have been the cause but never managed to get a proper answer, perhaps they weren't sure?

Recently been concerned about my heart as my RA has not been well controlled for some time. I asked rheumy if my heart was in danger through increased inflammation. She said that it is possible as what happens is the heart's arteries become inflamed and cause a blockage - something to do with the cholesterol I think she said.

Radiogirl profile image
Radiogirl in reply to wishbone

Thanks wishbone. Lots to figure out. As helixhelix mentioned, knowing is better than not knowing and a good starting point to get a handle on things

I hope you are able to get your inflammation controlled soon.


wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Radiogirl

Thanks, should be starting a new med soon so fingers XXXX.

Good luck to you

I had a chest X-ray in February this year because of a nasty chest infection and I was told that it showed that I have an enlarged heart. I asked my doctor about it and he said it was nothing to worry about and there was nothing I needed to do about it and that it was quite common in older people. I am 67. I have RA, OA, fibromyalgia, gout and many other health problems and am on Mtx, hydroxy, prednisolone, tramadols, oramorph and other tablets amounting to about 30 a day.

At the moment, my pain is very bad and I do get low with it at time. I have been told that I now need both my knees replacing but I am trying to lose some weight before I have them done. I am also having an op on my toes this coming week. In February I had two nasty falls. I one of them I ruptured two tendons in my right arm and in the other fall I ruptured a tendon in my left arm. It has been a very difficult year so far.

I do sometimes wonder if I am just being fobbed off about having an enlarged heart as it seems strange that they are not addressing the problem.

I wish you well Radiogirl and please let us know how things progress with you. xx

Radiogirl profile image
Radiogirl in reply to

I am so sorry, holly-willow. You have had a rough year. You are taking a lot of medication, too. I often wonder if taking our meds will only make matters worse. I know it's a double edged sword. I sure hope things turn around for you. Please know you are cared for and supported here, as much as we can electronically. Blessings and hugs to you. xxx

Hi Radiogirl, Thank you for your kind words. Yesterday afternoon, I had to see the orthopeadic surgeon about the results of the scans on my shoulders where I have ruptured some tendons. I felt really upset as he showed me the tendons and how badly they were ruptured. The tendons are now really short and too far away from the other tendons to be able to reattach them. He said he could try to do it with one of my shoulders but that it was unlikely to be successful and could give me a permanent stiff arm which would be useless to use. It is so hard to hear that I will never get complete use of my arms back. However, I am continuing with the exercises that I was given by the physio and they are improving. The fact that my hobbies are crafting and playing the piano and guitar means that I use my arms all the time.

Sometimes life seems so unfair. Thank you for the blessings and hugs and I send blessings and hugs to you as well. I am having the op on my toe tomorrow morning, so please think of me.

Radiogirl profile image
Radiogirl in reply to

I definitely will be thinking, and if you don't mind, praying for you as well. I was diagnosed a year ago with RA, and most probably Fibro and in that time I haven't been able to work or spend the time I used to taking my granddaughter to the park or simply playing with her and it just breaks my heart. I am 57. I can only imagine how crushed you must have felt at your Ortho appt yesterday. This wretched disease is a robbing disease. On the outside we still look so capable, yet even in a short amount of time our ability to do things seem to dwindle away. The pain is only one aspect of that. The fatigue is equally as crippling. We can not lose hope, though! 😃

Again, I will be lifting you up today with my thoughts and prayers as you have your surgery.

Hi again Radiogirl, I will be really happy for you to pray for me tomorrow. I am a Christian as well. I am 67 and don't have grandchildren, but have often thought that if I did, I would not be able to take them out for walks or to run about with them etc. However, I would be able to sit and read to them, watch tv with them and play some board games and play with playdough etc.

People just don't understand what it involves having this awful illness. I have OA, RA, and fibro. There is also a possibility that I also have psoriatic arthritis as well. I have so many other conditions as well as the RD ones and take over 30 tablets per day. In 2009, I lost my hearing in one ear all because of the autoimmune system attacking the nerve of my ear.

I wouldn't mind if people would be a bit more understanding but they are not.

Anyway, I will not go on about it all anymore and I hope you get on ok at your next appointments and also some answers to your questions. xx

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