I know we’ve all had loads of questions about this and NRAS have just done an incredibly helpful Q&A on Facebook re the results of the Octave study and 3rd vaccine. For anyone interested the link is below x
3rd primary vaccine.. : I know we’ve all had loads of... - NRAS
3rd primary vaccine..

It’s well worth watching.
A very informative session.The big thing I took away is that for immunocompromised people ...our 3rd vaccination = other people's 2nd and so on...and we may be offered a 4th 'booster' in several months time.
Missed it! And I'd put it in my diary
It’s been recorded so is available. I’m half way through watching it. x
Any suggestions Neonkittie17 how I can watch this, I’m not on Facebook.
Fantastic, I was about to message you to say watch !!
Thank you. I’m just about to watch the other half of it now! Afternoon viewing. 😀
Just watched it. Thanks for the tips everyone. Felt a bit shame faced when I listened to the last bot when we are told not to pester our GPs or Rheumatologists 😔
I noticed that. To be honest with social media etc (my surgery uses it) they could have put a notice out saying “we’re aware and working on it” . There’s been total radio silence and my gp was clueless when I rang them last week. I emailed my MP yest and told him it’s been a mess. He responded today saying he’s looking into it.
I had my 3rd jab today, along with the flu vaccine. I was disappointed, because again it was astra zeneka. I was told this was the protocol, and I will have a booster Pfizer jab in 6 months.
Apparently this is how it's being implemented in Scotland.
Fingers crossed that I finally produce some antibodies!!!
The scientist said there is some evidence that mixing and matching types of vaccines us beneficial.... if you read the letter posted on here too it's suggestive the evidence shows its helpful too
That's precisely why I was so disappointed to get the AZ vaccine again......had hoped to get the Pfizer this time
Hi hats, I’ve everything crossed for you. 🤞🏻
I’ve just received my email to contact the NHS and also I’ve a message to call my GP surgery back. Just a shame I can’t have the third vaccine at present as the first two didn’t work (no antibodies on the Roche test due to no B cells (Rtx)) so I’ve got to wait till B cells come back sufficiently so I can repeat both vaccines. Then a booster six months thereafter.
That’s the plan ... come home B cells, all is forgiven!
Glad they are in the know for you now. Stepping in the right direction x
You still have T cells though lol
Thanks NK. I do hope that your B cells return soon. I do know exactly how you feel, it's back to shielding in all but name. I think I will have the ONS next week, or the week after......They just contact the night before. So fingers crossed I will test positive for antibodies!!!I've got everything crossed for you too x
I have found all the NRAS webinars really helpful and informative. What makes them really good is that it’s explained so well - even I can understand.They also have lots of brilliant resources on their website (all RA) as well as a helpline.
Ive been a member for ages and think they do a wonderful job x
Thanks x