So have been holding out posting as ever optimistic - hoping I will get better !
3rd shot of Benepali feeling great - back to normal life - fantastic 😀
21st Dec came down with flu ( should not have gone to that party - did not touch any of the food thinking that would give me the upper hand . Forgot bugs are air born 😁)
3 nights sitting upright on sofa trying to quell this dry insistent cough . EXHAUSTED! Middle of night ring NHS 111 & end up seeing out of hours doctor at hospital - after ruminating she prescribes antibiotics just in case . Next night ring NHS 111 as I have this flashing in my eye . Next day Xmas eve 4& 1/2 hours in eye hospital- suspected tear in retina & pvd exacerbated by all the coughing . Happy days! 🙈 after weekly calls to hospital stopped Benepali methotrexate for 2 weeks . BUT the coughing is still continuing . Saw Gp & she said no infection & prescribed steroid tablets for 3 days to calm this asthma cough . ( inhalers every 4 hours are not working )
Yesterday rang hospital to check if ok to restart Benepali which they gave the ok .
Today SO unwell - coughing like a trouper - pre steroid tablets & due to take methotrexate tomorrow. Will ring hospital again .
Due to go travelling next Wed yikes .
My question is : should I be taking Benepali if I have asthma ? ( Health Care at Home nurse did mention that she was surprised I was on it . ) I was so happy to be on a biologic as my RA has been so bad .
Any advice would be most appreciated- cough cough !!!!!!