So quick recap. Diagnosed with anti-ccp positive RD September 2016 - riddled with it according to rheumy. Put on triple therapy eventually March 2017 left with no treatment as couldn't tolerate four dmards. Complaint, change of rheumy consultant who I saw this week.
Have I got RA - he's not sure and now wants to row back from previous diagnosis. My bloods are normal. I have swelling everywhere but it is around the joints not in them.
He appreciates I think as I have the same swelling now I did then I question the original assessment but he says nothing can be done. That doctor said there was inflammation.
He says:
Do I have some symptoms of RA yes I do. Might there be inflammation they can't see on ultrasound. Possibly. My response to steroids suggests there may be
Can they treat me for RA - no as they can't see any inflammation.
Am I in the appalling pain I say I'm in - absolutely no doubt about it. Probably caused by pressure of swelling on nerves
What's wrong with me - no idea. It's not fibromyalgia. Could be RA, could be another inflammatory arthritis, could have been a one off episode that left residual pain and fluid.
Has he seen people like me before. Yes it will go one of two ways. A year from now the pain will have gone and I will be fine OR I will be lit up like a Christmas tree with full blown RD.
Actions: I'm to take regular pain relief every 4-6 hours and not miss a dose for a week. I am then to take a new wave anti-inflammatory for two weeks. Then move on to nerve pain reducing drug. He will see me again in one month.
I am to have blood tests and another MRI to check for inflammation of the sacro-iliac joint.
*My employer has already taken this to mean I've been lying and malingering for a year and has started disciplinary procedures for dismissal as he thinks my protected status has now been removed