I keep reading on here about people have a "relationship" with their Rheumatologist or Rheumy nurse and how important it can be. I was diagnosed with either RA or PsA in September and was seen by the Consultant Rheumatologist who quickly explained what I probably suffering from and that I would have a steroid injection and then be put on Mtx. At the next appointment I saw a very nice Rheumy nurse who explained things in more detail and prescribed the Mtx (15mg). At the next appointment I saw a different doctor who although being very nice just asked me how I was getting on and to keep taking the Meds but maybe up the Folic acid because of stomach issues. I am going for another appointment on Monday and I am expecting to see a different person. I am being treated at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital and when I arrive for the appointment there seems to be about 6 to 8 doctors or nurses dealing with appointments and when it is your turn you appear to see whoever is available.
I must say that everyone I have seen appears to be very competent and helpful but it is impossible to have a rapport with any of them for obvious reasons. Does anyone else have this dilemma?
Just for the record the bad areas for me are my hands and wrists, especially wrists, my right ankle which stops me walking for more than 100 yards and some pain in my left Achilles. The swelling has gone right down and I think my indicators are pretty good but it is still very painful. I used to love playing darts but that is now impossible because of the wrist pain, hopefully I will be able to play again one day.