Saw consultant today - he thinks not RA but episodic ... - NRAS


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Saw consultant today - he thinks not RA but episodic inflammatory arthritis....

Helzbells profile image
11 Replies

So my anti-ccp the thing that clinched my diagnosis of RA has...returned to normal without treatment.

I have horrendous pain and stiffness in my hands and knees but no inflammation on ultrasound, yet I can't kneel down or open jars etc.

The consultant thinks I've had an episode of inflammatory artthritis that has gone but has left the pain and stiffness.

He has said I need to triple my dose of gabapentin and carry on with the pain killers.

I thought the anti-ccp was a clincher but apparently they are realizing now they don't quite understand it and it isn't the fail safe for RA they thought it was although I am unusual as mine has returned to normal without intervention.

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Helzbells profile image
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11 Replies

I guess that’s good news!

When they got my pain and inflammation down, I found I was suffering a lot of stiffness etc still, too.

Celocoxib and Omeprazole were prescribed but after thoroughly researching alternatives, whose efficacy was proven via studies, I have used Boswellia and turmeric curcumin daily.

It works.

spzgirl51 profile image

Hello Helzbells ,

I'm so glad you are getting some sensible answers at must be so re!ieved?

allanah profile image


Good I think ! Hopefully the pain and stiffness will move! Did u ask about physio help. Let's hope it's a one off thing that will sort xxx

Helzbells profile image
Helzbells in reply to allanah

Yes I'm seeing the physio though so far she's been utterly useless

Cornishrex profile image
Cornishrex in reply to Helzbells

Im seeing a physio privately. I saw the NHS physio for a while and she was completely useless. The private physio is a completely different kettle of fish and is helping alot. It might be worth considering paying for a private one.

Consider rosehip too. And chondroitin 800mg minimum (says my holistically bent GP)

Tizzyliz67 profile image

I have had RA for 9 years and this year it is finally showing in blood work. I have always been negative in every test. I hope this isn’t the case for you but it is possible. They thought I had a short bout that would go away after taking prednisone for two weeks but it wasn’t the case. I wish you well.

Helzbells profile image
Helzbells in reply to Tizzyliz67

Consultant says it will go one of two ways. Either I will get better or in a year I will be back lit up like a Christmas tree with full blown RA

Hobbits profile image
Hobbits in reply to Tizzyliz67

Yes, very possible. Without a proper diagnosis it’s also hard to get the correct meds. I find when I’m not flaring all my inflammatory levels are perfect, and it can appear that I have no health issues, but when I’m massively flaring those levels go up a bit, not huge numbers like some others do, the ganglion cysts pop up during a flare. Yet I have positive RA factor and bone erosions. Seems to be a tricky disease and very different for everyone.

Cornishrex profile image

"apparently they are realizing now they don't quite understand it and it isn't the fail safe for RA they thought it was although I am unusual as mine has returned to normal without intervention"

Did the rheumatologist actually say that to you? I have always suspected that there is alot more (or less, as the case may be) potentially going on behind a positive anti ccp reading than the medical community yet understand (since I was diagnosed with RA based very largely on positive anti ccp, which I continue to contest), and I try to follow medical news updates on it, but I haven't seen any statement quite as strong as that above yet.

Helzbells profile image
Helzbells in reply to Cornishrex

Hiya yep that's exactly what he said. He's a good consultant and honest. He says the only thing they know about RA is they don't understand it..

I was also seen at Bristol and they told me that it wouldn't matter how high my anti-ccp test was if I didn't have inflammation I didn't have RA. They also said they now don't see it as a definite for RA.

I requested my anti-ccp be done again as I didn't feel I had RA and my consultant agreed to do it.

fusedesigns profile image

I have had a similar experience but your rheumy sounds more useful- mine just decided to label me with fibromyalgia instead! She decided the drugs were working ( even though they were ruining my life!) even though I had pain stiffness and swelling....and just wanted to give me more for the fibro. I am just not convinced about any of it so nice to hear of a rheumy that at least questions!!! Good luck xx

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