Puzzled & thought I'd share. & hopefully you can shar... - NRAS


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Puzzled & thought I'd share. & hopefully you can share your thoughts.

Caza profile image
β€’24 Replies

Hiya, long time since I've posted. A few months ago I tried CBD oil, as some of you might remember. I was very scared & not at all sure about taking it. I had horrific nightmares, whither it was my fear or the oil I've no idea but I decided it wasn't for me. Anyway two days later I had a UTI never ever had anything like it before 😩 Two lots of antibiotics later & all was well but were the two connected?So off to Tenerife I went on my own feeling battered & bruised & intending to rest. Three days later I ate a prawn cocktail, I knew it wasn't right, I know I know why oh why did I eat it 😩πŸ˜₯. I have never been so sick in all my life, I couldn't even keep water down or in 😯 After two weeks of eating absolutely nothing & living on sips of water that weren't staying put I decided to come home. It took four weeks to start eating again. Anyway here's the thing, I've been staying at my sons home (having an extension built, whole different story 😑) & they live on meat loads of. I'm used to fruit fish veg with little meat & would you believe it I feel so much better no swelling little pain no flares fatigue What's going on?????

Anyone throw any light on it.

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Caza profile image
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24 Replies
Kai-- profile image


For some, this 'theory' appears to be a plausible explanation, Caza:

BLAAME (Bacteria, Leaky Gut, Acid Secretion Deficiency (Stomach), Acidosis, Mucosal Lining, Enzymes): healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

[For others, it's hogwash πŸ–πŸšΏ , codswallop πŸ™ƒ 'n πŸŽπŸ’© .]


πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

You (& your medics πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈπŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈπŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ ) can assess what rings πŸ”” true for you, Caza. πŸ€” πŸ‘


πŸ™ πŸ€ 🌺 🌞


Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Kai--

This I can understand Kai but I thought I had a fairly healthy diet & what I'm eating now can't be healthy & yet I'm getting results or is it because I went a good three weeks without food & only drinking water all very strange πŸ€‘πŸ€”

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Caza


We all think we've a "healthy diet", Caza. πŸ˜‚ 🀣


Some follow various 'processes' (phased steps πŸ“Š ) to allow their gut to 'improve/ heal' & eventually broaden out their food choices β€” without suffering severe consequences. 😳

Hmmm . . . πŸ€” perhaps your literally(?) "eating nothing" for 3 weeks, allowed your gut a blessed 'reprieve' (avoiding unwittingly stoking the flames πŸ”₯ of inflammation) over that period of time? πŸ€”

And, the moment you re-introduced food, the spark πŸ’₯ that re-ignited the inflammatory process πŸ”₯ & cascaded into full blown inflammation πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ with ferocity upon the 1st bite? πŸ€”


Of course, you HAVE to eat.

[You can't subsist on rain water 🌧 β˜”οΈ πŸ’¦ ('n grubs πŸ›πŸ›) for the rest of your life. 😳 😯 😬 ]

Just think about πŸ€” what 'process' works for you & consider implementing it over time. πŸ€”

(These long-haul, disciplined, persistent, gut-healing processes (phases) take a

lo o o o ng time. Not mere days or weeks, but months/ years on end. 😯 )

Of course, per usual, always work hand-in-hand 🀝 🀝 with your medical team πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ πŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈ πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ πŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈ should you ever decide to attempt such a process.

You can figure out what works best for you, Caza. πŸ‘

You can. 😌

You just got knocked on the noodle πŸ˜–πŸ”¨ (hard) with the biggest clue your body will ever give you:

🚫 food = 🚫 pain


Now, it's up to you to figure out πŸ€” what you can eat (& do) to safely reintroduce non-inflammatory/ low-inflammatory foods back into your d/l repertoire that fulfill your nutritional requirements while keeping inflammation πŸ”₯ as low ⬇️ as possible. πŸ€”

You're figuring it out. πŸ˜ƒ πŸ‘

You're figuring it out, beautifully. 🌺 🌸 🌼


πŸ™ πŸ€ 🌺 🌞


Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Kai--

Makes a lot of sense. Thank u 😊

Nettac profile image

Are you saying you feel better after eating meat?

Nettac profile image
Nettac in reply to Nettac

I was vegan for ages. I started to feel flipping awful. I reintroduced meat and cut out grains and felt much better.

You may well have been iron deficient? Recently my iron was very low. My joints don't seem as bad since taking iron.

But who knows? The world is a mysterious place!:-)

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Nettac

Well I ate meat before but smaller amounts, also nuts eggs cheese beans etc.. so I don't think I was iron deficient. It's all very strange.

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Nettac

Yes but lots of it.

helixhelix profile image

The after effect of antibiotics can last a long time...they will have knocked out your normal (for you) gut flora. And then the food poisoning will have made it worse. So perhaps a different diet helped restore you?

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to helixhelix

Well if it isn't a fluke I'll have to rethink. For now I'm happy long may it continue 😊

nomoreheels profile image

Hecky peck Caza, I bet that was a worrying time, on your own too even more so. Pleased you're on the better side now. Just a tip, if it doesn't feel right don't eat it, been there with a pot on my leg hampering my route to the loo & it's not pleasant!

Anyhow, I'm glad it's just not me.... with all the cr@p spoken about I still eat meat, basically a Mediterranean diet, continued from when I lived there. Well you'll know what's the norm out there, that's what we eat, ok less fish for me because I'm not a great fan but I do eat oily fish. I eat bread, dairy, tomatoes & other 'inflammatory veggies', but also the spices, hot & sweet paprika, pork, chorizo of course, beef, veal & other meats. To answer your question, my take on it is you'd previously unwittingly not been getting enough nutrients & vitamins, particularly Vitamins B & D & iron, calcium & the like, all needed with our condition, you could look further into it if it rings bells? What better way to get them than in beautiful food, supplementing with tablets is nowhere near as tasty is it & I'd rather spend money on good food than bottles of vitamins! Today bought the most beautiful rose veal chop for Saturday night, h is having rose veal liver. I don't think it's anything to do with leaky gut, the latest thing to blame, no it's more likely to be missing nutrients & such, very important in my eyes.

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to nomoreheels

Yeah I know, it was in a 'posh' hotel & I thought it couldn't possibly be off knowing full well it wasn't right 😑 Was so cross with myself. I've always eaten meat but over the years I've eaten less preferring vegetables. My son & his wife eat next to no veg & fruit & eat all meats & lots of. I'm really going to have to have a rethink unless it's just a fluke. For now I'm happy 😊

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Caza

Maybe it'd be best not to overthink it & simply enjoy feeling better then eh?! Think that's what I'd be doing. ☺️

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to nomoreheels

I am...although I'm going back to Tenerife soon & I absolutely won't be going back to that hotel & definitely won't be eating prawn cocktail ever again 😩

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Caza

That's a shame but totally understand why. Was it home made mayo/Marie rose do you think? I know it's no longer legal for restaurants etc to serve it in Spain but just wondering if the mayo contributed or it was a combination of the two as you had such a reaction. I'd give anything to eat prawns, lobster & crab too but unfortunately developed an allergy to red shellfish. Ho hum. Enjoy your hols, hope it's uneventful this time.

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to nomoreheels

I'm not sure if it was home made but you know when milk is off & you get all the white bits that float up if making tea with it. well that is what it was like. It just didn't look right & it was freezing cold so no real taste. I knew straight away that it didn't look right. So stupid πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Gnarli profile image

Well after having such a rotten time it's good to know you're feeling so much better. Whatever the cause of your improvement I'd simply celebrate and be grateful. Hugs


Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Gnarli

Ah thank you. I'm making the most of having normal,well ok near normal feet & hands. I keep looking at them almost wow!!

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to Caza

Hooray! Long may it last


Allsopp profile image

Hi Caza,

Hope you're having a good day.

I think the time spent in hospital not eating is probably the most likely factor contributing to how you feel.

My wife had something similar happen. She had her first really bad Arthritis flare in her hip. She was hospitalized for 5 days because we didn't know what it was at the time [Bursitis] and we were terrified because we didn't realise Arthritic pain could get that bad.

She barely ate anything for 5 days whilst in hospital because she felt so rough. She was hooked up to an IV whilst in hospital giving her intravenous fluids for 5 days.

After this flare she went into remission with barely any pain for 3 months and she didn't take any medication leading up to the flare and she didn't take any after either. She didn't even take so much as a painkiller.

Fasting has been shown to be highly beneficial for people with Autoimmune Diseases and just this year Scientists have started to explore whether you can reverse Type 1 Diabetes with intermittent fasting:


Every food we eat whether it is a slice of Cucumber or a slice of Pizza stimulates our immune system, but some foods stimulate it way more than others. It looks like your Immune System was able to calm down and go back to baseline for a while after such a long fast.

This is no different to what Biologics and DMARDS aim to do, except they achieve it in different and far more dangerous ways.

You may find that you can stay like this for the rest of your life if you avoid foods that put the immune system on a high state of alert like nuts, dairy, gluten etc. Basically... If you avoid allergens you might be able to go into complete and total remission because there would be no triggers causing your immune system to go back into a high state of alert.

Good luck, I really hope it works out for you!

ranne21 profile image
ranne21 in reply to Allsopp

Gracious me! I've been a Type 1 diabetic for about 50 years and didn't know about this. I'm definitely not counting on it as a solution but it's certainly interesting!!

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Allsopp

Guess time will tell if it's a starvation or meat diet as NMH said I'll enjoy it whilst I can & try not to overthink things. I hope your wife is still pain free.

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Allsopp

Left you mess but for some reason it went below rannes comment 😀

Caza profile image

Oops & again!

Well ranne I can give you the hotels address if you want a bout of food poisoning to set you on your way!!!

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