So I started Couch to 5K back at the end of January. I knew it was going to be a challenge for me and I was NEVER going to complete it in 9 weeks.
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in my early 20's and before that I was a pretty active/sporty person. I suffered pretty badly for many years, some days unable to move even to get out of bed, I went through all the drug options they could give me and I'm now on a biologic, unfortunately one of the side affects is weight gain. Now in my early 40's and with it under control to a certain extent I wanted to get myself fit and hopefully lose some weight. I hadn't realised exactly how unfit I had become, when I started I couldn't complete the first 60 second run in Week 1.
Nevertheless, I have persevered and I graduated to Week 2 back at the start of May (only 4.5 months to do Week 1). I've been trying to complete that week ever since. There were a few interruptions due to illness but I have kept going and yesterday I decided to give Run 1 in Week 3 a try. I had zero expectations of completing it as it's quite a big jump for me from the previous week.
i am over the moon to report that I completed the entire run on my first attempt. Both 3 minute run sections were tough, but I completed them without stopping. I have shocked myself with this and have absolutely no idea how I did it, but I now have the encouragement I need to keep this going. I am determined to complete the program and at 4 to 7 months for each week, I could be finished as early as 2021 or as late as 2023, whichever it is, I will do it.