THE BAD START! A humorous account. (Mild language). - NRAS


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THE BAD START! A humorous account. (Mild language).

Nettac profile image
10 Replies

I woke at 5.30am


Knee...beach ball size.

Hobbled quietly...

A contradiction in terms?

So as not to wake the dogs.

Too late

The Scotty awakes


Struggle to get dressed.

Let the Scotty out

He piddles against skirting.

For goodness sake!

(Not my actual words).

Leads on dogs.

Temper like a Kraken,

With a headache;

Woken from the deep.

I walk the dogs



Feed dogs

Make a coffee

Take Cox2 for pain

(I'll probably have a stroke).

Pull peas from freezer

They spill all over the floor.


(Not my actual words)

Give me a sodding break.

Have a nice day

I hate you all.

Joking about the last part. Creative license. :-) not really smiling either.

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Nettac profile image
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10 Replies
Gnarli profile image

Oh bless you Nettac but I love your style! I'm truly sorry you're in pain but you made me giggle this morning. Such a talent for expressing things, you should be proud. Please may I use "for Freda's sake"? I'm trying very hard to cut down on the cursing. Hugs


Nettac profile image
Nettac in reply to Gnarli

Go for it. I'm not cutting down on mine! :-(

Have had to get neighbours to walk my collie. Can just about manage to hobble round estate with the other.

No idea what's going on with the knee...but it's seriously pipping me off!

Oh....and good morning :-)

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to Nettac

Oooh but the knee sounds painful. Thank goodness for nice neighbours! I'm pretty notorious among the adult children for cursing garments into existence when knitting but, heck, I never used to swear. I could give a docker a run for his money these days. Good morning to you too Nettac and I hope it gets better for you. Hugs


sylvi profile image

Brilliant thank you.xxxx

Kyriew profile image

Poor you but this did make me giggle "I too love a good swear the worst the words the better I feel"

Hope things improve as the day goes on.

My dog Sonny looks at me with a knowing look now. "So we arent going out today" his eyes say. Luckily I have an amazing dog walker who he adores


Oh bless you. A 'few' curse words does help though, i find. 😆

Crusee profile image

Sounds like the day I had yesterday.Everything I touched went wrong/ fell apart.

Still you know it can only get better.

And yes, totally agree with you a bit of bad language certainly helps.There are times when just nothing else comes even close to making you feel better.

Take care.



Angji profile image

Hope today is better :-) its when you read things like this that you can have a good laugh, I don't think I have ever sworn so much as I do now, I get so frustrated and then end up crying, because I can no longer do what I used to do. x

DRunnerchick profile image

Nettac, quite brilliant really! Thank you for giving voice to the thoughts in my head. My daughter was in neuro ICU for the last week. I held my tongue many times as she was on camera, and I wanted to appear somewhat 'professional'. Reading your brilliance didn't use up any of my word credits 😙. I have a feeling that I will use them all this week. I hope your knee is on the mend.


Nettac profile image
Nettac in reply to DRunnerchick

Bless you. I hope your daughter is OK? Anything with ones children can be anxiety proviking.

Thinking of you.

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