Hi all , I find this forum very informative although I am though a little concerned about the frequent use of acronyms in postings when the actual medical phrase is not used initially. For instance this morning I have read several posts where ALT, LFT and FR are all used . Would it not be better to spell the words out at the beginning of the post as many new comers may be phased or worse still put off reading your well intended efforts.
Acronyms : Hi all , I find this forum very informative... - NRAS

Remember that many people have problems typing so not necessarily an easy thing to do.
Anyway there is a pinned post of the right of your screen with common acronyms.
We all go through this, and these words become second nature very quickly unfortunately.
Thanks I didn’t even know about the pinned post on the right of the screen !
I wasn’t suggesting that people should type out the full phrase each time, just at the beginning to help anyone unfamiliar with the site .
If you look to the right on this page you will find "Common abbreviations & acronyms" listed.
If anything you need isn't listed just ask.....we are a mine of information ....but don't shoot the messenger if you get three different explanations!
ALT is an enzyme produced in the liver and if the liver is damaged it is released into the blood-stream. Monitoring this is a standard means of assessing liver health or otherwise.
others are GPT, ALKP, LDH. They are all used in the same way. Note the alkp is also released from bone-disease as well so a rise in the levels is not necessarily specific to liver disease.
Good point, when you have had R/ Athritus for over ten year you understand abbreviations, thank you for pointing this out Elizabeth
HI, couln't agree more but people with an ailment get used to the shortened version as it is often used in hospital.
I feel the same way as you Micktheclicky. I usually end up skipping the posts full of acronyms as it drives me round the bend, even with the list of explanations!
I try to! If the original poster used the unabbreviated word or med I do use the abbreviate though as it'll be understood it's relating to it/them. When initially referring to a med I type it in full thereafter I abbreviate it, saves painful fingers. Blood tests such as LFT (Liver Function Test), ALT (Alanine Transaminase), FR (Frequency Rate) & inflammatory tests ESR/CRP (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate/C-Reactive Protein) are rarely written in full because to be honest they're so long & everyone on treatment has blood tests relating to them so will know what they are. Everything else is in the Common Abbreviations & Acronyms list under Pinned Posts. It's surprising how quickly you get used to understanding & using abbreviations. It's a shame if it puts people off but is really so much easier on the fingers especially when using phones as I'm needing to again at the mo.
Sorry, just seen Pinned Post Abbreviations etc has been mentioned.