As many of you know, I have had quite a challenge since finally being diagnosed in 2015.
Since that date I have been through an endless array of drugs, tests and specialist. I was scheduled to do second infusion of Rituxan on Tuesday. My Rheumie is away and will not be back until Tuesday. During the last experience. The nurse not only rushed the infusion ie two hours. When I finally managed to get her attention she told me I could handle it! So basically suck it up.
The crisis, I am trying to decide weather to discontinue all medical treatment or seek a referral to another clinic.
I did a web search and discovered there were 6 deaths directly attributed to Rituxan in Ontario. All sites stress the need for close monitoring. What should have happened was an emidiate discontinuation of the infusion. This did not happen. That nurse deliberately disregarded my clear distress. I literally had tears pouring down my face. I never cry, except with migraines. That can always take me out. I had such chills my teeth were chattering and she handed me a blanket.
I am so beside myself. If I file a formal complaint or when I file a formal complaint then I am truly putting myself at their mercy. Nothing short of her sitting in that chair and experiencing it first hand , will satisfy me lol I know that is an emotional response. I simply want to ensure this never happens again. I intend to confront the private clinic regarding standards of practice as well as filling a separate complaint about the nurse. It may be the clinics practice to rush infusions but it is definitely not practice to ignore a patients distress. She showed a reckless disregard for my safety. I intend to see that that is not swept under a rug. I believe her actions were malicious and deliberate.
Ok my problem is this. If I stand up to them how can I trust anyone else?
These drugs are so very dangerous. Statistically , not a lot of people see positive results. Far too many, like me, get no benefit and terrible side effects. Despite dire warnings I was only able to get inflammation in check by stopping all treatment. I only agreed to another round because I had stopped the Methotrexate on my own. I have had endless difficulty with drugs, why on earth would they risk a rapid infusion. I am just so very angry.