I was initially diagnosed in July 2015 with RD and Fibromialgia. Since that date it has been a continuous round of specialists and testing. I have added several new labels and have a very long list of ailments. Unfortunately, I also have a very long list of drug allergies and intolerance. Since July 2015 I have tried all the following drugs:
Prednisone, Methotrexate, paquenil, Lefludimide, Pregabalin, Humira, Orencia, Rituxan, Bisoprolol, to name a few..I was on so many I have forgotten. My body has not responded well to any drug. Also an endless line of opiates. I have been on those for fifteen years. In an effort to gain some control, I ordered my genome via 23and me. It was the best investment I have ever made. With the raw data I have sites which interpreted that data. I now know in advance, how my body will respond to various drugs. This process is called pharmacokinetics. In addition, I know how my system processes nutrients. I manage my inflammation with canabis. The use of a vaporizer, enables me to manage pain as well. I strongly recommend this process for anyone with autoimmune disease. It is invaluable.