I have had RA for 23 years. I actually went into remission 3 1/2 years ago and stopped Rituxan and methotrexate during that time. Then I get my second Covid and the Ra returned. I am back on Rituxan but it doesn’t seem to be slowing the Rituxan. Since I have not had the drugs in my body how long will the Rituxan take to stop the progression. Has anyone else experienced this. I know when I was on a variety of smarts they would work for maybe 1 1/2 years and then would fail. Eg. remicade, Enbrel, humira, symphonic etc
remission then Rituxan again : I have had RA for 2... - NRAS
remission then Rituxan again

I was told I was in remission a year ago but when I asked if this meant I could reduce or stop my 20 mgs of methotrexate the Doctor said No. So I’m a bit confused about what remission is and why you were able to stop your meds and I wasn’t. Do you think if you’d stayed on them things would have remained stable? But then, who wants to take meds they don’t need? I wonder why they think I do. Sorry I can’t help with your query about the meds your trying now as I’ve only ever been given methotrexate. Hope you settle soon.
Ginny all of us are different. The rheumy kept me on MTX for a while when I went into remission and I understand her view. Then I went off everything. I actually went on a sugar free regimen. I did. It eat any processed sugar, bread, potatoes, carbohydrates like ice cream, cupcakes, etc. for al,ost two years. I ate fresh fruit and I also like my glass of wine but that is not processed. I lost 20 lbs and went into remission with RA. I don’t know of that was the answer but I am guilty. I saying that I still eat some sugar and that may have brought this all about. When I came out of remission I also got Covid at the same time.
It seems a common problem that drugs that previously helped don't when re-started. That may be because Rheumatoid Arthritis affects many different parts of the immune system (and another bit may be playing up now). Or, as you say, it may just be that it is going to take some months to know if it's working becasue they often take time to work.
I feel you perhaps need to persevere for a while to see if it's goind to work before discussing another biological tratment from the large selection now available. There's a list of them on the NRAS website to browse and have a think about!
thank you. O
I just had the second Retuxan infusion with a,l the prednisone but two days later after the second one I do feel so much better. All the other biológicas failed and then if I went back to them they were not effective. Thank you for your input.
I think it could quite likely take up to 6 months for the Rtx to kick in.I had a 15 month gap….eventually had an infusion in April & although my blood tests are OK….I still have niggles, but rheumy says to hang on in there.
what are niggles. Sorry I am from the US and I don’t understand. My rheumy told me to hang in there also with the ritusñxan which is so different from the bilogías and after the second infusion it is bettter. Thanks for responding.
Niggles are little aches & pains that come & go 😀Yes do hang on…I have been on Rtx for 7 years…diagnosed 20+ years ago….& Rtx really has been my most successful drug.
Glad to hear you're feeling a little better. I hope the improvement continues for you.