Hi, my name is Ursula (Ursh), I was diagnosed with RA in 2015. It has literally blown my mind! I wish i had found this site sooner. No one really gets it. I have no one around me who has any understanding of what is or how it feels. As soon a you say the word arthritis, people say, it must be your age (i'm only 48!!). When you say its not your bones, but your immune system going mental, they look at you like your off you rocker.
I think i'm one of the luckier ones. I was referred immediately to Rheumatology by my doctor after one visit where he took my blood & it came back with high inflammation markers. It did take 6 months to get my initial appointment with a consultant. I wish someone had explained right at the start how difficult it can be to get you on a drug regime that works for you. Each time i started a new drug i was told you'll start to feel better in 12 weeks. It has taken two years. I was started on hydroxychloroquine (no effect at all taken off it), then Methotrexate increased to 20mg a week (no effect, still on this), Sulfazalazine (no effect, still on this). My blood results have shown that my inflammation has increased month on month The only thing that has worked for me, until recently, is oral Predisinole (steroid), injections of steroids have had no effect whatsoever. Weird. Then i was prescribed Benapali, (Etanercept) self injections at home, 12 weeks ago. I haven't had to take a painkiller since the very first injection!! I feel like i'm in a dream. I am still getting mild pain in my ankles, but nothing anywhere else. My left elbow, which has been bent at an angle of 30 degrees for the last two years, is straight! Has anyone else been through this? I feel like i'm making it up, or like its all going to come rushing back at me. By the end of next week i will be steroid free again. I know i'm not cured, because that doesn't exist, and that i'll be on medication for the rest of my life, but i feel really good. It all feels very strange. Has anyone else experienced this?
Thanks for reading my ridiculous blather.
Look forward to hearing from & making new friends.