Hi my name is Mary and I am 56, live in Glasgow and I was diagnosed with RA 5 years ago.
I have been reading some of your stories on here and find it all very uplifting finding people who go through the same problems as myself.
I have managed to keep working all through the RA with very little sick leave, although I did have to make some changes on the type of work I do but manage fairly well appart from the tierdness which we all suffer from.
My social life is non existant now and this was my biggest change as I loved going out for a drink and a dance.
I also miss walking as this was a passion of mine all my adult life but due to feet and knee problems I cannot manage to do this any more. i still am able to walk a bit but not the miles that I was able to do before.
I also liked going to my keepfit class but again had to stop this due to pain.
I have gained nearly 2 stone since I stopped the exercise so really need to work hard at shedding some of the extra weight.
I was put on MTX straight away and had Sulpha and Hydroxy added to it.
There was some talk over a year ago about me starting on the Anti-TNF but as my sister was just diagnosed with MS it was decided to leave it just now.
My brother also has Lupus and my dad had AS so there is strong genetic like with auto immune disease in my family.
Recenty I have been having a problem with being out of breath and having a cough so I have been off the MTX since the start of the year.
I had a scan done on my chest which showed 2 nodules on the left lung so this has to be investigated further by a specialist as the cough and the breathlessness is still present.
I was quite worried about being taken off the MTX as I don't want any more damage to my joints as I already have damage on both shoulders. I also have problems with ankles and knees.
I had to get treatement last week for ulcers in my right eye, I had this previously just before I was diagnosed with RA but thought it was wearing contact lens that caused it. I have not wore contact lens for a long time as my eyes are very dry so I am not sure if this has been caused by RA and not taking the MTX.
I have a Rheumy appoint next Wed so I will see what they say about the MTX, not really sure if I want to take this while I am having lung problems.
I am worried about having problems with my lungs but I will just need to wait and see what happens next.
Thanks for listening