Prior to my daughter's MRI of her hips, dexamethasone was prescribed by her primary because her pain and swelling was worsening. Steroids worked. However, MRI showed negative for arthritis. She has multiple symptoms pointing to arthritis and I would like to know if dexamethasone can alter MRI scan.
MRI results: Prior to my daughter's MRI of her hips... - NRAS
MRI results

I would think it does if it is a steroid. My rheumatologist wasn't happy about giving me a steroid shot into the muscle before diagnosis, as she said it could alter results.
Thanks. What happened is her primary wrote the prescription and rhumy wasn't aware. Nightmare... no communication going on. She tested positive for intestinal inflammation and will be seeing a gastroenterologist team next week. SO much happening at once. The waiting is hard. I'm new to this and feels good to know we're not alone. Thanks again.
MRI's work by assessing fluid content in bits of your body, which is why they are way better that X-rays for showing soft tissue things. But steroids will knock back Inflammation, so any inflammed areas won't show up as strongly. However steroids won't completely mask inflammation, and they won't have any effect of any existing erosions or wear and tear changes to bones and so on which should show up clearly.
But if the doctor gave her steroids then presumably is aware that she has inflammation, and I imagine that blood tests also showed that. So maybe the MRI was more to check whether she had already suffered damage to her joints?
Thank you for responses. I called rhumy and nurse agrees with my concern. Waiting for a call back.
Dexy can't alter an MRI looking for arthritic damage. But Dexy will stop inflammation from being seen on a MRI.
Dexy can calm down arthritis but it wont change the damage already caused by arthritis. The MRI can detect the damage of arthritis. Sounds like the Dexy helped prevent damage.
All the best to you and your daughter

Thanks. I read inflammation wouldn't show up if arthritis is in its first stages. I've gotten so little information from her doctors.
Not true, at least for me. I walked around with swollen feet and hands. My hands have been swollen for over 2 years before xray detected arthritis.
How old is your daughter? I hope she is painfree.
My daughter is 16. Doctor said she had planters fictitious. After a week, she couldn't walk at all or touch her feet. Her elbows, wrists, back and hips were hurting and had visual flare ups. Doctor didn't agree for us to take her to a pediatric hospital because he was sure of his diagnosis. Hospital saw pictures of her feet, examined her and referred us to a pediatric rhumy. There they said she definitely had enthesitis in multiple places. Then began testing for arthritis. The steroid reduced her inflammation and pain comes and goes. Her pain became excruciating and debilitating. A nurse from primary took me aside and told me that regular doctors don't take children's pain serious. Ex..If child days my pain level is at 6, then doctors treat it as a 3. Nurse told me this because she had a personal experience with a 7 yr old. with JIA.
Thank you for your support and sharing you experience. Means so much to be able to talk to someone. I hope you are on a good pain treatment. Thanks again 😊