Has anyone had an MRI?
I have had CT before but I find the thought of an MRI more frightening.
I have read the booklet from the hospital but whats the experience really like?
Do they need to use contrast fluid when scanning your spin & pelvis?
Has anyone had an MRI?
I have had CT before but I find the thought of an MRI more frightening.
I have read the booklet from the hospital but whats the experience really like?
Do they need to use contrast fluid when scanning your spin & pelvis?
Apart from being quite noisy (you will be given ear protection) and having to lie still for quite a long time, depending on which part of your body is being scanned, you will not find a lot of difference between a MRI and other forms of scanning.
It should say on your letter whether your rheumatologist has requested gadolinium or not. If gadolinium has been requested you will have a cannula inserted , usually into your arm and the dye injected.
My biggest issue was choosing the music from a long list I was offered to listen to whilst having the scan !
Thanks. Pelvis & spin. I'll re-check the letter, it was very clear on the CT letter but I didn't notice any comment on contrast on the MRI.
I am also worried about being 'in the machine', but some just told me they had an MRI on their spin & didn't need to have their head in the MRI scanner.
It should be easier for me if my head is sticking out...
Your head will not be in the scanner unless it is being scanned, so you should be fine with pelvis and spine.
I've had a brain scan twice. Whilst not the most pleasant thing to have done I closed my eyes before going into the scanner and didn't open them until I was out. It was fine.
My biggest problem with MRI is staying awake once the ear phones are on. It is very noisy, but is normally covered by earphones and music.
I had a MRI in July on my pelvis stomach area without Contract dye. I was suppose to of had CT scan but they decided against as I'm allergic to some drugs, which meant I possibly would had gone into anaphylactic shock so had MRI . They use different technique such has breathing in deep holding breath for quite few seconds to get best images.
Hope all goes well
Pamela x
In my experience, our MRI unit gave the information that sedation was an option, probably from the requesting consultant or GP.
Please try not to worry . I going in the MRI tunnel, I got to have one at the end of the month, I felt a bit panicking, but our hospital has got an open both ends one. Get some good music
The machine is very noisy, but have nice thought and it’s over before you know it. If you have to have dye a cannula put in your arm feel a bit hot or feel you have wet your self. It’s not too bad good luck kind Regards Elizabeth x
To be honest..i hate it. Been twice and have had three abandoned due to claustrophobia. Horrible things.
I ve been lucky to have had a walk in one which is better for scans of the back this was infinitely better.
If you are having your whole spine scanned then I'm afraid they will almost definitely put you in head first and you will not have your head outside of the tunnel.
My best advice is to close your eyes before they start to put you in and keep them closed the whole time. I was in there for an hour when I had my whole spine and pelvis scanned. There is a cool breeze in there which is quite pleasant but it is incredibly noisy. I opted for soothing classical music which was a mistake as I couldn't hear it above the clanking!
I resorted to humming throughout, rather tunelessly, and was highly embarrassed when I realised the technicians could hear me!
Please don't worry too much. I've had 3 brain, 1 spine - all head first. Knees, ankles - feet first. My first one I just kept my eyes closed as I'm a wee bit claustrophobic and worried that I would panic and embarrass myself. So I controlled my breathing and just sang to myself as I couldn't hear the music through the noise!! No problem with any of the others. Wishing you all the best. X
I've had several MRIs, most recently on my wrists - they were the worst as had to be face down with my hand stretched out (superman pose they called it!) , not at all a comfortable position to be in, the 2nd time I had my wrist done I asked for more pillows to support my head as couldn't use my hand to prop me up. But it's over before you know it (ok it's not that quick!)and at least it should give some answers - I didn't have a clue that I had RA until the MRI showed it when being scanned for something else!
I had it done a few years ago on my spine and they discovered I had a slipped disc in my neck I must admit I did not like the experience one little bit. but I but made it to the end. I usually dont have fears of things like this, but I was fully enclosed and was glad when it stopped Everyone I suppose has different experiences and in the end I suppose it does help the consultants to determine anything untoward I hope all goes well for you x
I had one on hip and took advantage as claustrophobic of the offer of a little pill. The pill was lovely the world all pink and happy but it was not needed as only lower body put in. Having said that I'd still go for the pill as it was nice. lol
Hi, I had one prior to diagnosis, so over 10 years ago. They said I could take a music CD and this was played whilst having MRI. Might be worth asking if you think that would help. I didn’t have contrast fluid though. 😊