I am very new to rheumatoid arthritis. Can anyone advise re diet etc. I have no idea what may cause a flare up but have had steroids several times since my diagnosis.
thanks for your help
I am very new to rheumatoid arthritis. Can anyone advise re diet etc. I have no idea what may cause a flare up but have had steroids several times since my diagnosis.
thanks for your help
When I was first diagnosed my rheumy told me to eat what I enjoy….leaning towards a Mediterranean diet with plenty of fresh fruit & vegetables.
He said there is no especially approved RA diet but said a glass of wine within reason , does no harm. But he definitely said lay off smoking.
So enjoy your food & don’t get caught up on the Ads for all the weird diets we see publicised.
I find that processed meats and sugar can result in discomfort for some hours after eating them
You may find these information sources useful
May I suggest you look at Zoe podcasts about food and inflammation. I posted a link yesterday to one specifically about arthritis.
Medication is necessary but I believe a a holistic approach is most beneficial.
Hi , I definitely find sugar aggravates my symptoms x