Whent to wigan hospital yesterday for the ultrasound parking the car was terrible to find a spot had to leve the wife with it and go in
Anyway the guy did a good check out on my ankle and i showed him my big toe that belive it or not i was getting better. now its going on side. and the other big toe is having a do now on going cold. heck of a thing this
Nothing was showing only a bit of inflamation no atheritus I HAVE JUST ABOUT GIVEN UP i was hoping it would at least show something psa or enthesis or something else
So bloods ok ankle ok i can not belive this thing i have started of with couple of miles pushing it walking to now i on exersise bike and its like somthing eating my hands gums feet knees bottom of back a bit ringing ears and sweating bad in bed at night. But im now thinking is this psa which dosnt show up in bloods or is it bone tb which i checked out 5 years ago for now which just got better.
I was on predistone now taken off it or have i got some type of circulation problem even with strong pulses in my feet I reed on the net if you get psa this can somtimes go away then return but i have no rashes or anything yet IM AT A LOSS all i go now is to have alook inside the knee again but will they do it with my big toe looking like that next mont i dont know.