Got a bit of a rotten sore throat although not so bad that I couldn't work - just grotty tired etc. I left a message for the rheum nurse and the brilliant one called me back. Anyway she thinks skip this week so that my body has a bit less to deal with - that was how she put it. Well I will of course follow her advice ( and very much looking forward to allowing myself a little bit more wine this weekend!) but got the fear that "it" will take over again and send me to hell in a hand basket. What are your experiences? How long before the MTX starts to wear off? Also still on 10.5 mg pred....
Seems like everyone has got a stinking cold. After so... - NRAS
Seems like everyone has got a stinking cold. After some wisdom about skipping an MTX week please.

For the first 5 years of having this disease I was absolutely rigid about taking my MTX - and never missed a week no matter what as I was so terrified that if I did it would all come roaring back. Anyway, over last year I have discovered that missing a week makes absolutely no difference to me (don't tell my rheumy!) so now I do so every now and then for holidays, or special occasions. So I wouldn't worry at all.
Hi. I was told by my consultant that Mtx has a "significant half life" and its effects last for more than a week. I have skipped when on antibiotics and delayed for social (!) reasons too. No noticeable change for a week so I hope you are the same too.
Hope you are better soon
I guess if Mtx can take up to 12 weeks to start working it should take a week or so to stop having an effect?
It takes quite a long time to wear off, I've forgotten to take mine for the last three weeks ( reading this has just reminded me,) and I m the same as when I take it! I think as it takes about two to three months to kick in when you first take it - it's probably the same amount of time before it's completely left your system ! Xx
It's 2-3 weeks off MTX before I start feeling RD'y so a week off it, for me anyhow, isn't noticeable. I would think your pred will cover it anyway at that dose, I'm only on a low maintenance dose of deflazacort & it doesn't take over but again I'm talking longer off MTX. I hope you feel brighter soon but if it goes on your chest & have a hacking cough, bringing up stuff, see your GP just to be on the safe side, poorly lungs & MTX don't mix well.
Enjoy your extra wine allowance hic! Do be aware if you're due a blood test any time soon it may show a rogue liver result. The reason you don't notice a week off MTX is because it doesn't leave the body so quickly. Sorry to be a harbinger of bad news if you're due for bloods. 😒
Aaarrrh I assumed that if I wasn't taking a dose for a week that there was no extra strain on the liver that week. Have I got that just plain wrong?
I believe MTX stays in your liver for 116 days but the concentration levels after a week still won't be overly low, not as low as at say 58 days. Still, high after 7 days, high enough to not get blottoed but I wouldn't think that's the intention! You're a commonsensical person so enjoy the few extra, you've gotta live!!🍷🍸
I was really poorly with this nasty cold bug and stopped taking methotrexate and enbrel for 3 weeks. By week three the RA had begun to be troublesome, but for the first fortnight there wasn't a significant difference. Bear in mind that I wasn't at work but resting up to recover so not very active and I felt ill in other ways. I continued to take anti inflammataries.
Hope you feel better soon.
When I decided to go off of MTX, I think it took me about 3 months or so to clear from it... The reason I think that is because for the 3 months after I stopped it, I felt pretty good. Then the pain and inflammation got worse for a few weeks until I passed the Herxheimer stage.
I've skipped a week before because of a cold too. Made no difference to my RA control.
Hope you feel better soon.
Ally x
I too got a bad sore throat and cough last week. My GP prescribed Amoxicillan for a week. I carried on my usual practice, MTX on Thursday, and my weekend drink on Saturday and Sunday. The cough has subsided,
and I'm still standing! Best of luck.