Hi everyone. I am from australia I have mentioned before about low dose naltrexone I am aware of a hospital for special surgery in new york which specialises in rheaumatology I am asking if anyone has been a patient there and if they are aware of low dose naltrexone
Ra sufferer: Hi everyone. I am from australia I have... - NRAS
Ra sufferer

Why are you pumping LDN as a cure in all your posts? Why would you travel from Australia to New York for a rheumatology specialist? Australia has made wonderful advances in finding a cure for RA. The University of Queensland has Dr. Ranjeny Thomas who is a pioneer scientist who has discovered a vaccine for RA. It is now in a phase 2 clinical trial. The no side effect vaccine is named Rheumavax. So exciting.

hi suzanne I am not emphasising LDN and also at thisg to the us time I am not llooking at going us hospital for spe cial surgery even though I have seen where people have gotten we have doneout of wheelchairs which I am temporarily in and yes australia has many great specialist but wospital likee do not have a hospitak like that its just that I have seen a lot of promising things about ldn
I didn't mean to dash your hopes about finding a cure. I'm guessing that the hospital you are talking about is NYU Langone. Yes, this is a good hospital and they share their knowledge with the rest of the world as the world shares their knowledge with them. The Rheumatology section is only one department in the whole hospital. The medical system in the US is quite different from the rest of the world. US hospitals and treatment centers have to advertise for their business, like McDonalds advertising hamburgers. They compete with other hospitals in the US as the USA medical system is not covered by the government. When I see USA hospitals advertising about getting "your" business, I think of McDonalds competing with Burger King about who has the best french fries.
I truly wish you well and I hope you are painfree. Please don't believe the US hospitals are better equiped than the hospitals in Australia, UK, Canada,etc. USA hospitals are just as good as the rest of the worlds hospital. The only difference is that our hospitals do not need to advertise for business.
Take care

No if you look on utube. Hscc is the hospital for special surgery orthopaedic and rheaumatology new york

I think the hospital is The Hospital for Special Surgery, New York Sue. I think maybe @Rocky07 thinks this is a US site.
Thanks NMH. Just another American hospital advertising it's business. I wish the US had a national healthcare plan. Then the Americans wouldn't need to "shop" around for the "cheapest" or "affordable" surgery. Nor would people suffering in other countries believe the US hospital offer more than the hospitals in other countries. So sad.

I knew that in the US they're able to advertise all medications & not limited to such as the over the counter cold relief ones allowed here I mean, it didn't occur to me that the hospitals were able to as well so that's something new I've learned.
I have lived walking distance to the US/Canadian boarder for most of my life. My country is swamped with this kind of advertising and it's so bloody sad. The worst one is the Cancer clinic hospitals claiming they will give you better care and cure you. So sad...you are left believing that you have no hope if you don't have the money to pay for this clinic. It's like the comercials that compare Coke to Pepsi.

That's awful, I wouldn't like that at all. In the UK it's only relatively recently that companies have been allowed to do price comparisons with their rivals on adverts! Also product placement has only recently been allowed on the public service channels of the BBC. If a product on a programme on a commercial channel was specifically mentioned by name they used to have to say 'other brands are available', many haven't lost the habit & still say it! BUPA & other insurance companies are allowed to advertise but private hospitals, which would be the nearest comparison to the US aren't allowed to.
Canada does not advertise theilr hospitals either, as there is no need to. Biologic drugs are advertised non stop in the US . Because of this advertising people have asked me "Why don't you ask your doctor about Xeljanz for your RA? Is Canada just still using asprin and a prayer?" or OR " Go to the US for treatment, they have more advanced medication..." Frusterating to say the least.

I can imagine.

Hi love not heard of this .sounds interesting any other info.big hugs x

There could be very many reasons - you are jumping to conclusions or else have your own interests. Maybe the person is going on holiday there or has relatives there.
You could ask me why I am going to China to get my Chinese tablets and argue that the UK is better - personal experience counts for a lot.
If people have found a good product, it is natural to want to pass on the information. Just because a medicine is used by one system of medicine (eg Western), courtesy of Big Pharma, does not mean it is the best or even much good. Some of it has not helped my condition and done a great deal of harm.
I think it is wonderful to pass on information on a medicine that works for RA. Sadly LDN has not passed any phase 2 trial for RA. If I am mistaken then please paste the link from a reputable University from any where around the world. Knowledge is power. As for me arguing the UK system is better...well...why would I do that?....l I think you are jumping to conclusions, I've never been to the UK....though I would love to visit this beautiful country. I would be in a better position to compare the MSP/OHIP to the NHS.

Sadly you continue to jump to conclusions. I can no longer purchase my Chinese tablets in the UK or anywhere in Europe because of EU regulations which limit imported medication to companies with the finance to pay for the import licence. Why it suddenly happened after decades is quite illogical. I also use products manufactured in the UK and I could not care a toss what trials they have passed if they work. Some wonderful herbs have also been banned, causing many people like me to jeopardise their health by purchasing off the internet. The only interest the EU has in the situation is the protection of its big pharma industries. Hopefully, that will backfire.
I made no inference to "UK system" or its use by you. It is abundantly clear that you use only Western medicine which is practised by the NHS though it does use acupuncture and has started to co-operate with traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. Some of the Chinese medicine has passed clinical trials but all of it has been used for thousands of years.
You ought to visit the UK before declaring it is a beautiful country - another jumped conclusion which is irrelevant to this site. Like everywhere it has its good and bad areas.
DelicateInpute, I wish you well in your quest to find peace. You did make reference to the UK system & you continue to jump to conclusions about my views on western medicines.
You don't care about meds that pass clinical trials? How odd.....Did the Chinese tablets cure you? Maybe paying someone to shake a dead chicken over your head will.....
So sorry you don't find the UK a beautiful country, it is. Maybe Afganistan or Syria would suite you better?

What an abusive post - on New Year's Day. Afghanistan, Syria and UK have nothing to do with this website. It is not the sort of abuse I would have expected when dealing with people who have conditions such as RA. I am sure the original poster and others would find it distressing.
The Chinese tablets brought immense relief - I went from having completely disabled hands which I could not use to near normality. My conventional practitioners have accepted that they work so your ignorant views are irrelevant. I am not personally sure about clinical trials - if 100 people say the sky is green, then the efficacy in a clinical trial means that it is. However, the ingredients in the Chinese tablets I take have passed clinical trials in the US and in Korea and are featured on the Arthritis UK website who likewise acknowledge that they work.
I did not refer to the UK system but rather what is available in the UK. Many forms of medicine are, including those that have not passed clinical trials. I made no reference to the NHS - I was not even talking about it. I have already explained to you what I mean in simple terms - I suggest you accept that instead of continuing with your abuse.
What an abusive response...and on New Years day. I wish you well and hope you are painfree and well.

There is nothing abusive in anything I have said but there is in your posts. This site is not intended for the type of remarks you have made.
You are clearly on a crusade to promote Big Pharma and destroy any alternative. I am not well because of the damage caused to me by Big Pharma's RA products - which did not work for RA and caused me more serious damage than the RA itself. I would have had to have a full-time carer if it had not been for Chinese medicine.

Great post Suzanne ! Thanks for the update on Rheumavax too.
I just wrote a long reply.....that suddenly disappeared......but quick summary until the general public stop think RA is just a few aches & pains I don't think we should put all our energies into hoping for a "cure" any time soon.
I am just thankful for the drugs prescribed for me that go half way to dealing with my symptoms.
I know from personal experience how you are fussed over when you say you have cancer....very different from the "get over it " look when you say you have RA!
Of course I hope research finds the definitive treatment for RA.......but a cure? I wonder?
I'm happy researchers are looking for new treatments and hopefully a cure.
A cure is not "pay me so many $ and I will give you my secret cure"
A cure would be something the World Health Organization states as a cure. I don't care who or what country finds one first, but when they do, they will be awarded the Nobel prize for medicine. Until then anyone claiming they have the secret cure, needs to apologize to their mother for being a fool. Take care
Hi Rocky,
Re the NY hospital... sorry I have no answer/experience but there is a HealthUnlocked community called American RA Warriors who may be able to give you more information.
All the best
I have taken LDN. Got a prescription from my regular doctor, mailed to Belmar Pharmacy in Colorado. For more information, go to the LDN page and you could post a request for a doctor who would prescribe in your area. It also lists prescribing pharmacies. It was inexpensive at Belmar, $50.00 for ninety days. I know they have done a research study in London as possible cure for some cancers. The Belmar Pharmacy has a link with all kinds of info on LDN. There was also a book written about in that canbe purchased through Amazon.