I am only 4 months into RA diagnosis, and am on 25mg MTX. I was congratulating myself two weeks ago that i had escaped all of the colds going about. I should have bitten my tongue off. I have had this nasty head cold for nearly 2 weeks now, and it is still not going away. I have inhaled enough menthol crystals to make my eyes water.
As this is my first time with an infection, is this the way it goes?? It is just dragging on and on. Ironically was to get my flu jab last week but can't because of the cold. Today i feel like the left side of my head from nose to ear is totally bunged up and, while it is not painful, i am getting an annoying pulse in the ear. I am exhausted with it.
I don't have a temp so don't think i need any antibiotics. Is this the way it is going to be?