Hi everyone, I have a problem with my immune system.
I don't work (RA & Fibromyalgia to blame!) Therefore I don't go out very often but when I do I end up poorly.
I had my PiP assessment on 23rd October and the day after my hubby had a horrendous cold so I went shopping for cold remedies. The next day I felt so tired, heady and fluey (this could have been because my daughter had an operation on the Saturday before my appointment on Tuesday and I stayed and looked after her) Didn't get up until the Sunday. A week later and we went to a children's birthday party 2 days later I'm back in bed with a cold, sore throat, bunged up nose so I can't sleep etc).
Does anyone else have a similar situation and who takes vitamins to bump their immune system?
Sorry for the rambling but my head is a fuzz of cotton wool.