Could you get taken of Anti tnf if you have contstant... - NRAS


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Could you get taken of Anti tnf if you have contstant colds, coughs ect?

8 Replies


I've only had one infection since starting last August but since Jan I have had a constant cold, cough or ear-ache, (and a whoosing ear?! anyone have that?) doesn't help as little one has been picking up everything as well. I've had a stressful time re-work and forgotten what a full nights sleep is so wonder if thats lowering immunity also...

I've been signed off now for a couple of weeks but no improvement, I'm worried that I'll be taken of Enbrel but compared to RA having a cold is nothing!

I'm on 15mg of MTX as well.

Cheers :)

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8 Replies
sylvi profile image

Williby,i have been taken off mtx due to problems with my chest. We don't know yet if the mtx is the cause or not,but my eyes which were very sensitive to light has certainly improved,and i don't think my chest is as bad even though it is still not right. So the answer to your question is possibly yes. I am sorry if this is not the answer that you are looking for,but my rheumy said this morning is your health is more important and if the drug is causing the problems then its best not to take it.Only under supervision must you come off any drugs.

Sleep now that is something i suffer with. Last night was the first for days that i managed to stay in bed all night. I have been coming downstairs and sleeping in my chair. I go through spells of not sleeping and yes ra doesn't help.

Take care sylvi.xx

hi Sylvi, I wonder then if the mtx will be reduced rather than enbrel, my consultant said we would reduce mtx if RA das score still low on my next visit (in April) now that wouldn't be so bad, but really don't want the enbrel to stop :(

Glad you manged to get some sleep last night, how do you think you managed that? your chest problem has been horrid for you, glad to hear it's getting better :)


helixhelix profile image

Well they're both immunosuppressants, so both will be increasing your openess to infections. But not sure whether a cold counts as important enough to change meds....unless of course your cough is bad. I've always found that if I'm tired & run down I do suffer more from sniveling colds & so on. So maybe a concentrated period of looking after yourself, and eating well & sleeping lost could help - worth a try as would be nice to do anyway.

Poor you Williby. To be honest I'd say it's probably more to do with having young kids - one at school or pre-school age and a toddler and that's the time for wall to wall colds, coughs and tummy stuff to hit and there's just no way round that. Combine that with the fact that both your meds are immunosuppressants and it's inevitably going to impact on you - then add to the equation sleep deprivation, a stressful job and being run ragged by young kids and I think you'll just have to accept that you need to grab every opportunity for rest that you can. Doze when your youngest dozes (if she still has a daytime nap?) and drink gallons of water and put garlic in everything - oh yes and walk in sunshine whenever possible and that's your best hope of staving off bugs.

I've just got back from seeing my GP. He may look great but today his eyes were pink and his nose was blocked and he had a lovely cough and all I could think was "ugggh get me outta here!" TTx

cathie profile image

They'll probably take a longer view. We went through period like this when grandson started school

Hope your infections clear up soon


sciqueen profile image

Hi Wiliby

It could also be due to time of year. It's warming up - change of weather head cold??

Hopefully you will clear all the infections soon and you will not need to come of either biologicals or mtx.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you

Sci x

cathie profile image

Rather ironically I went for my anti tnf today and was told I couldn't have it. I've had a cold and am much better but still have a bit of a cough and am hoarse. Slight temperature and high White blood cells. Taken together they said I could develop a nasty infection so goodbye. Unfortunately the next available slot is 29 march so you may hear from me more than usual!

It's quite sensible as I know they're watching out for me but how frustrating. Apparently if I'd just had one of those things I'd have been ok. Can ontinut mtxate

I hope your infections clear up quickly. Xx

hello guys, sorry I didn't mean to take so long to reply and say thank-you!

oh, and I can spell (on a good day) CONSTANT doh!

Polly and Tilda, your right, I haven't been looking after myself and realise that I really should if I want to continue feeling RA better, have had 2 almost all night sleeps and what a difference :) yes Sci, the weather doesn't help, it's freezing one minute then roasting the next!

Cathy, thats not good news, has this happend before? how often do you get your infusions? I've been taking my own temp but seems to be normal fingers crossed.

Think I'll go have that afternoon snooze you suggested Tilda, who needs a clean house anyway :) xx

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