hey buddy, can you spare a dime?...Trying to find a d... - NRAS


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hey buddy, can you spare a dime?...Trying to find a doctor that cares whether you lose your job, your home....

26 Replies

So frusterated....I work for a company that will accommadate your illness or disability. My HR is waiting for my doctor to hand in my paperwork so I can get accommadation for my RA....my union and my management is more than willing to accommadate me...my problem?...My rheumy thinks the paperwork is bogus so he has refused to fill it out...he thinks his letter to my HR is good enough...My GP agreed to fill the paperwork out on May 2nd...it is now May 13 and still no Paperwork!!! My sick time is running out...I need to submit this paperwork now!!! I don't want to be on welfare, homeless and begging for change!!!

26 Replies
sylvi profile image

Complain to your hospital and get them to forc him to fill the form out or get another rheumy to fill it out for you darling.xxxxx

Coppernob profile image
Coppernob in reply to sylvi

Yes, contact your local PALS service (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) and get them to help sort it out for you. Good luck.

Seenie profile image
Seenie in reply to Coppernob

I don't think Suzanne is in the UK. Knowing where she lives would help.

in reply to Seenie

I live in Canada.

nomoreheels profile image

What makes him think the paperwork is bogus Sue? Have you spoken to HR & explained why there's the delay or how about asking your HR dept to write a letter to him explaining their paperwork is above board, surely he must realise each Company have their own template for such things. Or if you have an equivalent to our Patient Advice & Liaison Service in Canada you could ask if they will intervene. Could your HR dept not use the info in his letter to complete the form & attach his letter to it so his signature is included?

Can you ask for a telephone consultation with your GP, or even make an appointment to tackle him about the delay in completing & handing over the form, it may just jolt him into action if you do this & explain time is of the essence.

I hope this can be sorted out, he must have done this before surely? x

in reply to nomoreheels

Great advice. I wonder what or if Canada has the equivalent to your PALs. I think I'll make an appointment with a disability lawyer and ask for advice (thank God the first 30 minutes are free over here)

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

Don't know if this is helpful or not Sue but it is relating to Vancouver viha.ca/patientcarequalityo...

in reply to nomoreheels

Thank you nomoreheels. I called them and they directed me to Fraiser Health. Thank you so much. Gosh you are one smart lady living in the UK and advising me where to get help in BC. :)

All the best to you


nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

That's great Sue! I hope their intervention helps & you feel less stressed out soon. Enjoy your weekend. x

in reply to nomoreheels

It would be so nice to have this all wrapped up before the weekend :)

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

Of course, you're behind us, you've time yet.... it's 7.15pm here so nothing would be done. We're waiting for a date for my h's next op, he's on eggshells & wishing time away. We only saw his Surgeon on Tuesday! It's always the way though isn't it, at least it's set in motion & things will fall in place before your deadline. Keep on keeping on, everything's crossed this end. x

in reply to nomoreheels

Yes there is still time today to get a respose. It's noon here and time for lunch and a cup of coffee.

Your hubby must be climbing the walls. I completely understand him wishing the weekend away :)

The sun is shining and it feels like summer. I need to enjoy the day in my yard (with my phone close by lol). I have an appointment with a disability lawyer on Monday if I can't get my paperwork today.

Have a great evening.

jane1976 profile image
jane1976 in reply to nomoreheels

This site is amazing at helping each other & of course relating to each other. Think I'd go mad at times if I couldn't have a rant here! Xxx

Seenie profile image
Seenie in reply to

I think it is smart to line up a disability lawyer. But I also think you need to light a fire under your GP and your Rheum TODAY. Phone calls do not work very well. My secret weapon for getting a doc to move is to send a fax and explain why you need them to get your forms done asap. Indicate that you are copying to your union and to your HR department.

If you do not have easy access to a fax machine, go to srfax(dot)com and sign up for their sixty day free trial. I started using them when I was in a similar position several years ago, and I have kept my account because no doc ignores a fax. They will be on all over it asap.

I don't believe we have anything like the Brit PAL in any of our provinces. We could do with that for sure.

Seenie in Ontario

in reply to Seenie

Yes we should have the Brit PAL over here. I wonder how many other Canadians have similar problems?

allanah profile image

Burocracy ! Keep pestering your GP or phone the practice manager and explain the situation to them .

This is supposed to make it easier for you !!

Preacherman profile image

Sick a disability attorney on him, he'll change his tune. Then at the same time find a doctor that cares about their patients and or get home to fill out the paperwork. If your current doctor really cared he'd do what ever he could to help all his patients. I know this is a tough position to take, but you do stand to lose a lot. Sometimes just a strong letter from an attorney with their letterhead will get it done, it's amazing how things like that work sometimes. :), Blessings!!!

in reply to Preacherman

Thanks for the advice. It's hard to get an old fashion family doctor in the Vacouver lowermainland area (Canada) Our doctors here now work at clinics where the patients line up every morning. First come first served. 10 minutes for each patient....So frusterating....Time to find a disability lawyer

Preacherman profile image
Preacherman in reply to

I figured you might of been up in Canada. I don't know a lot about how they handle the medical practice up there, but it sounds like your on it and know what to do. I just think folks could have a little more compassion for those that need help and that they should do their jobs to the fullest to take care of their patients. I'm so thankful I have a doctor that listens and cares and knows what he's doing. I pray you and the rest receive the same!!! Blessings.

modoogan profile image

Hi there I found myself in similar situation four years ago although my rhuemy and occupational therapist were great after eight weeks GP still hadn't written me a letter so I went to my next appointment so anxious and frustrated about the added stress this was causing me it worked within three days had my letters I needed. It took me sitting in his surgery very upset . but hey ho. It got the desired result. Good luck x

in reply to modoogan

I am so stressed out that I feel like my RA pain is worse than usual. I was so upset when my rheumy refused to fill out the forms that I did cry. He said I will be in remission in a few months, I told him I would be loosing my job on May 26 th without the paperwork. He didn't seem to believe me even though I showed him my letter from HR.

My hubby took the next day off to stand in line with me at our GPs because I was a nervous crying wreck. I feel so broken begging for help. Thank God our GP said he would fill out the papers. It's been 2 weeks....where are my papers? I'm going to see a disability lawyer on monday, first 1/2hour is free.

wish me luck

modoogan profile image
modoogan in reply to

Don't give up girl see the disability lawyer that will get them moving. I wish you all the very best, hugs xx it will come right for you Mo

jane1976 profile image
jane1976 in reply to

Poor you! Good luck, hope it all turns out ok for you!? X

Seenie profile image

What did the lawyer say?

in reply to Seenie

I didn't have to see the lawyer after all. My GP office called on monday morning for me to pick up my papers. All is good now.

Seenie profile image

Whew, glad to hear that , suzannedale. But the battle isn't over yet! Hope the next steps go well for you. Don't throw that lawyer's number away yet, and keep srfax in mind. It's saved me years of my life in aggravation. Good luck.

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