So when I spoke to HR we discussed a case conference to help me. It's supposed to be a very supportive meeting to help me back to work and put in place any adjustments I need. I agreed and so did the occupational health consultant my work had me seeing.
However I had an email at 7:00pm on Friday night from HR attaching a letter that should have been sent from my line manager telling me a case conference had been arranged for this Tuesday which I must attend and that it will be with an occupational assistant who has had no involvement with my case as opposed to the occupational consultant who has. The occupational consultant has been vocal in his support for me and I was due to see him again on the 13th.
My line manager has not sent me the notes yet of a back to work meeting we had two weeks ago where he stated there was no room for me in the team and I was unreliable because of my health. He also said he wanted the case conference to find out whether he could sack me as I am unfit to carry out the job. Very different to what HR was saying.
It seems this case conference was arranged between him and a new HR assistant whilst my HR rep was on leave.
I am very unhappy about this. Am I right to be angry he did not send me the invite letter.
A colleague called me last week to say watch your back. He told them they were not to contact me and he should have contacted me to give me work but didn't do in other words has left me without any work to justify my role in the team