Right my appointment went reasonable well. Loads more info. She thinks my Kidneys are not working properly , so i had to do a water sample. She also thinks i'm retaining water already on a water tablet. Its time for another M.R.I. on my lower spine to see if i have pinching. If i do then i'm to have an ex-ray directed steroid injection in it. Also had an ex-ray on my pelvic area across the top and then two on my side. Last but not least a blood test extra.
While I'm here a quicky, my daughter is doing great she only has to go for blood tests once a week now. Her bloods are getting better all the time , they are better than what they were before the transplant . She had the Stem Cells 18th Dec and she was allowed home on the 1st Jan. The doctors have never known any ones body to recover so fast.
My father has also gone back to his care home, He went went in Monday Christmas week and was supposed to have emergency treatment only and then sent home. It was as if they didnt want him to go. He finale got there on Friday after the Doctor said he could go on Wednesday.
Well thats me done for a bit hope everyone is as well as can be.
Sendine you all hugs XXX