Hi. I had a steroid injection yesterday into muscle in arm as I'm having a flare. Blood showed inflammation going up. Today, I can't walk on my right foot at all. I'm panicking slightly. I forgot to ask how quickly these things work. Today a friend suggested I might find a wheelchair useful. I really haven't had to even think about that before. Anyone out there remember how long before the steroid helps?
Steroid injection: Hi. I had a steroid injection... - NRAS
Steroid injection

my suggestion is go see your gp a.s.a.p you may be allergic to the meds?
from kerry29
Very soon hopefully! Remember you will have been likely walking awkwardly and your foot sore so give it a little more time. Also when the inflammation of a specific joint goes down the bones often feel quite vulnerable. I find they for an individual joint injection as opposed to sa general one. Wishing you good luck and yes ask GP about the inflammation going up ASAP. NK x
Thanks neonkitty. Had more pain than I could manage almost last night. It really scared me. But this morning it has settled down and I shall move about carefully.
Yes Tawney move carefully as your balance will likely be off! Glad to know you are feeling better than you were. My balance is still iffy after this major flare. Be sure to mention the reaction to the rheumy/doc. I'm not sure if you had Depomedrone or Kenalog or another but maybe they may think of using a different one should you need another in future. I had to switch from having Kenalog in the backside last year to Depomedrone as Kenalog gave me muscle atrophy on my upper buttock. A dent!! They said it would not go but I massaged it with a good moisturiser and it evened out. However mine was not a reaction as such like yours. feel better soon! NK
It can take 2-3 days, and in the meantime, anything that was sore can flare up even more. Doesn't happen to everyone, but it is a well recognised situation. They should have warned you before giving the jag.
You should be feeling some benefit 24-48 hours. I really hope so..
Give up to five days, if this is your first, if you are not getting relief then talk to you RA Nurse or clinic.

Thanks Bob. I shall do my best with current Tramadol and paracetamol and use heat and ice too. And wait u til Monday to see if it continues.
I always get a steroid flare for the first 24 hours , before the relief really kicks in.
Same happens to me. It gets worse before it gets better. Once out of 4 times I had an allergic reaction. Give it a day.
My rheumy said it might hurt more at first. I have had two one in my shoulder and one for a trigger thumb and both have hurt me more at first. It seemed to take a couple of days to see a big improvement and then gosh what a difference they made to me I was far better.
Hi Tawney, had steroid jab yesterday,with tocs infusion,as I've had agonising shoulder pain,woke up today with banging headache, but instant relief from pain, oh bliss, may take a few days to kick in for you, they are usually very effective.hope yours work soon.x
Some steroid injections work straightaway for me, sometimes I don't notice any benefit for a week. Hope you see some improvement soon xx
Thanks metal-legs. Cautious optimism this morning. I shall move slowly. X
Just remember to be careful not to overdo it once the steroids do kick in. It's very easy when you start feeling better to push yourself too hard and undo all the benefits..
Thanks earthwitch. I'll try and be careful. Currently I cannot believe that it's ever going to happen. Everything is so sore today. For example, to avoid treading on sore mid foot, I walk a bit on my heels, but the impact of heels on floor hurts my wrist joints! How crazy is that. Must be the shock of heel on floor going thru my body. This disease is like nothing else. I'm a bit cross that the rheumatoid nurse did not warn me this might happen. I'd be in a worse state if it were not for you lovely lot on this website.