Can anyone enlighten me on how long it takes a steroid injection to start working
Steroid injection : Can anyone enlighten me on how long... - NRAS
Steroid injection

Sorry there is no magic figure... sometimes it can start working as you walk out of the doctors office another time it can take a week or two to kick in..... and it isn’t the same every time.
The odd thing about steroid injections (especially general ones) is there's no magic time. For some only a few hours, others a day or two, or if you're me about a week & it works for a day. I respond better to targeted injections, but that could be the difference in steroid as Depo-Medrone (methylprednisolone) is usually favoured for generals whereas Kenalog (triamcinolone) is usually used for specific joints, my experience anyhow.
I had to switch from Kenalog to Depomedrone for the derrière shots as K was was leaving a dent in my butt. Muscle atrophy. Was told the dent would likely be permanent but it returned to how it was. I don’t need the general one now for many years, but still need a yearly knee joint steroid to boost my mobility. Yes as NMH says the K is used for intra-joint steroids.
So did it only work for 4 days ?
Ok ... I definitely won’t be doing that lol , I will just have to wait and see , I probably expecting too much too soon
One good thing though , I haven’t taken any painkillers today 👍
Same as others say ... my first one took affect within a couple of days and the second hardly made any difference at all.
Oh really ... I had it in my butt
Into the joint or a general one in the top of the buttock? I can only tell you how it works for me. It takes effect into the joint for me within about 6 hours but full effects felt after a couple of days. I find the stiffness of immobilising the joint (done to get more benefit from the injection) and staying still .. as much as you can .. for 24 hours means the leg is a bit sore at first. Then after a couple of days the steroid has fully taken effect. The knee can be stiff and a little tender from the injection site too. That wears off for me after a couple of days.
With the general one, it works for me within minutes. I can walk normally down the hospital corridor without any pain or restriction five minutes after having one of those. Sadly they only last two weeks at the most for me. The intra-joint ones last from 6-9 months for me. My last knee one was November 2019. It really needs another one but we are not allowed to have them at the moment.
Good luck with any you may be having shortly.
Mine was general one at top of butt .. I’m walking ok without much pain but my hand still a tad swollen & shoulders hurt but they was my worse place but not taken any painkillers today so that’s a plus ... I’ll just see how I progress as any lesser pain is good atm as I’m starting back on Mtx at 20mg straight away fingers crossed 🤞 it works out ok
The general ones just don’t tend to last that long. I have around 3 excellent days then it wears right off over the next 1-2 weeks.
I had one about a month ago after a serious flare which mainly affected my hands. Blown up like a bunch of bananas they were. Serious pain and no strength in them. So got in to have a jab in the bum. Anyone remember the film The usual suspects? The final scene where Kevin spacey, who was being intern the police station and he was bent over, with a limp and a deformed hand? And as he’s walking down the road he starts walking normally, his hand straightens and he escapes in a car? Well that was almost me as I walked back from the hospital to my car😂😂. The full effect took a couple of days though and, having had them before, they usually last about three months. Plus they increased my drugs, so I’m hoping I won’t get a repeat.
Hmmmm. I don’t know if I believe the rheumy. My senior rheumy used to say it should give you some relief for a week or so. That was the general shot. Other people I know said much the same .. great for a few days then waning over the next week or two.
Within hours for me!
I bet you thought .. told you so!
If it works ,within a week or so, may need another in a few weeks time. I had three on my hip some years ago, brilliant no pain at all now, but years later had a steroid injection on the other hip, hasn't worked at all, hope yours works ,🤞
I just want to get up and do normal things like opening a lid or opening a packet that I don’t have to stab with a knife just to make it easier lol
Sadly they no longer work for me. I’ve probably had 8 or so over period of 5/6 years. They used to work for a couple of weeks. Then they stopped working so switched to kenalog. Now that has stopped working too. Good luck.
Mine works within days of having done great feeling..but l always do to much because l feel okay then end up suffering again ..l have learnt not to but mentally want to ...x
Hi. I have steroid injections in my hands because of swollen knuckles. My thumb is sore for about a week. The results are brilliant. I'm allowed 3 per year. Hope this helps. X
Should take 3 or 4 days after a week you should feel nicely cusioned
Quickly if the pain is caused by inflammation. I find within a couple of hours there is relief and total rief within 2 or 3 days. If it's going to work its quick.
For me, worked within a day or two and lasted about 4 months. But steroid injections I had after that one didn't work at all. Nor did the ones in my knees.
When it worked, it was amazing! Good luck!
I had a steroid injection in my knee, took about two weeks to take effect...but unfortunately the good effect didn't last too long....I have an appointment next week with the rheumatologist, I hope he will recommend some kind of surgery as I really want my knee back !
Sometimes it works for me and other times unfortunately nothing. Hope you have a good experience👍
I'm waiting as we speak to hear if I can do a steroid burst. My ankle has been swollen and hot to the touch with huge pain in my heel. I've always had good luck, like within hours, of starting on 40 mg. Prednisone
At least a week , it’s not a miracle it only gives you a rest really just don’t go mad when you feel better 😘
It all depends on your own body, I had started taken Abatacept, and knew immediately, I did get cramps, ( after first dose). As my body got used to it, I am doing fine. Have been taking it for about 4- 5 months.
I’ve been taking steroids for over 30 years love I’m on a low dose now but having an injection work for only a short time 🦋
Almost the next couple of days
I got one in my knee on Monday. On Thursday my whole body felt good. I actually felt like I could run if I had to. Made me understand drug addiction.
Glad you’ve got some good relief. They can work wonders but only really dampen down the RA flame, altogether they can last up to nine months for me. If only they could send away the pain and stiffness permanently. I had to have a few in the joints in the first year of RA, and one obnoxious rheumy nurse called me a “Kenalog junkie”. She thought it was funny and I didn’t. They were given on the recommendation of the rheumy and didn’t exceed the allowance, so I decided to make it known what she’d said. I’m not normally a tell tale but she needed to be reprimanded .. and she was.
I find the injections dont work for me, but a short course of oral steroids help.🙂
I never want a steroid again in my life if I can help it gives me horrendous anxiety but what's happens if I flare up which I'm starting to..Joy's of arthritis. Usually last about 8 weeks for me then it all creeps back I'm slowly but surely.goodluck
that is not true I did not want to use any kind of medicine until some very painful balls came out in my wrists and I decided to Try steroid injection, at the most inflamed wrist, took effect after 3 days and its effect only lasted 2 days, my rheumathologist always have said that my RA is aggressive and from all that I have passed and investigated it is, I have no doubt, now I am in biologists I feel very good thank God but the wrist in which I received the injection hurts when I use force I Think have same damage
They are pretty effective and usually work within a couple of days. Hope you start to feel well soon.
I have had to stop Abacabcept, as my Arthritis has gone worse with it. Last injection is remaining. Then have got to see my Rhumotologist, and might have to start something new.
I can't walk up the stairs as my left knee is really very stiff, especially in the morning, and hurts a lot. There is a lot of swelling in my body, hands are swollen, left leg is swollen as well. Finding it difficult to do anything and everything.
Thank you for your consideration and concern. Most grateful for your help.