Morning everyone. Quick question, how long does a steroid injection last roughly? I had one three weeks ago & yesterday my joints were bad, although I'm fine today so was just wondering how long should I expect it to last. Thanks x
Steroid injection: Morning everyone. Quick question... - NRAS
Steroid injection

How long's a piece of string? I think some people get benefit for 3 months plus, for me it barely lasts a month, sometimes as little as 2 weeks! Hope it lasts a while for you! M x
Also, there are different types of steroid injection - short acting and long acting as well as different strengths. The ones I've had to date have been pretty consistent and start working within 24 hours or so, and last around three weeks. Think they must be the short acting type as they take affect quicker than the long acting.
Not silly of you at all. I knew next to nothing about steroid injections or much else for that matter until I joined this forum.
It is worth bearing in mind too, that some people get good relief from a steroid injection only to find that the next time they have one it doesn't seem to work so well. On the other
hand some people, like me, find they work well for them every time. Hope you're in the same camp as me.
Glad you're feeling better.
hi i had one 2wks ago and it worked after 24hrs ,to wake up pain free and no stiff fingers was wonderful,,ive started to get pain back in wrist and shoulder but fingers are still ok need mine to last another 4 wks till i get back off my hols lol,,hope yours lasts a while too,x
I have only had one steroid jab but it lasted for ages and masked all the swelling for my first rheumy appointment - which was a bit of a disaster. They told me it would last about six weeks but it was actually 10 weeks until I flared up again badly. I hope yours lasts a long, long time Caza. xx

Thanks for your reply. Think I was just panicking as my joints were painful on Saturday. They've been fine since then & I've had a really hectic weekend. Really want it to last,well if not forever at least a couple of months x
My Rheumatology nurse and rheumatologist say that it should last about 6 to 8 weeks and that's also my experience. I had one 3 weeks ago and feel so much better. Usually my RA comes back gradually afterwards.
Hi Caza,
Looks like you have had some great information from members here. I would just add that when people call the Helpline about steroid injections we do stress that the injections vary from person to person and from injection to injection. Sometimes a person will be given an injection and have wonderful results. Then a further injection may not work so well. It is worth bearing this in mind , as otherwise it can obviously be a great disappointment when it doesn't work so well. For other people it works well all the time!
I have also put a link here to steroid injections that you may find helpful
Best wishes
NRAS (Helpline)

Thanks for the link, wishbone had also sent it to me but for some reason I couldn't open it. I've read up on it now. I think I just panicked because my joints were painful again much sooner than I expected but they're fine now even after a hectic couple of days, long may it last.