Had one yesterday in my butt! Can't believe how much better I feel! Why can't we just have one of these every 6 weeks😂 yea I know it just masks the real problem, but god wouldn't it be bliss! If I've reacted so well to a low dosage steroid is that a good thing?
Steroid injection: Had one yesterday in my butt! Can't... - NRAS
Steroid injection

Yh they are great to start with but they become less and less effective over time, my first one lasted around 3 months my current one lasted 3 weeks, there also comes a lot of problems with prolonged use. Brittle bone 🦴 Thining of the skin which split from minimal contact excessive weight gain which in turn isn’t good for the joints,the list is endless! The maximum we can have in injection form is 120mls which I’m currently at and not long had it will only work for so long and for short periods.
My rheumy would allow me 3 injections a year, ie 3 x 120mg injections or 360mg in total....the safe level. Above that risks rise.
However, beware - just because you feel like superwoman today doesn't mean you should clean the house, repaint the bedroom, dig over the garden and cook a six course dinner! It's easy to overdo things on pred, and you pay for it later.
I've never had the jabs but have had several courses of tablets. I don't know if that's good or bad. The first lot saw me in denial of the diagnosis because I felt indistructable! I also lost the trick of sleeping and had some weight gain. Never on them for long enough to get the other nasties from steroids, thank goodness, despite having them several times for asthma and pneumonia.
I also had a jab in my bum in February this year and nothing improved. In fact my flare got worse. I’m glad it’s helped you and hope you get a good 3 months out of it.
Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Advantage is they wear off but normally they take a few days to work so be careful its not a false sense of wellbeing. I've have in severe flare I lot on board a cruise ship and 2 lots on coming home a few days later and it still hurt. Now on tablets I'd say be careful but they did not cause me to gain weight if anything like now they make me feel wired and really can be bad as can cause Oestporosis. My mum had that and it really frightens me as she had a fractured spine and shrunk by inches. I take meds to combat that risk now but think if its just the odd injection there is no need to worry.
For me both steroid shots work immediately.whether to the bott or into the joint. Sadly the bott ones only last a maximum of two weeks for me and I haven't had them for a long long time, but the ones I have to my knee usually twice a year last for six months.
The systemic shot in the butt begins to work by nightfall. Often I feel it taking effect within an hour. Oh what bliss is right! I get 3 really great days. By day 5-7 it's really fading. I like to use mine for family vacations, Christmas, etc. I am having trouble weaned back to 5 mg. but the side effects will get me down the road on a higher dose. Every body is different. Steroid sparing is the plan. Biologics, Methotrexate, pain patches like Lidoderm and Tiger Balm and Salonpas. When you've had a dose pkg or a systemic shot in the butt, try to pace yourself but have some fun!
I got a steroid injection in the butt last week. Like you it works more or less straight away. I am allowed 4 a year like you 120mg. I don't put weight on but I can have mood swings with it not bad ones really. I wish I could have it all the time too. But at least we get a bit of relief every now and again x
The first shot I had I felt so good. I was myself again. It was brilliant but after 6 wks I was back to square one. All the pain stiffness fatigue was back big time & I found that much harder accept. I’ve had two more since then which again have lasted about 6wks. So 3 in just over 6yrs. I was told that I can have 3 a yr. Hope it lasts longer for you.
I used to get these every 3 months from a previous rheumatologist and they were wonderful. Then I moved and got a new rheumatologist who was horrified that I had been given so much steroids. I was quite heartbroken to hear that I wouldn’t be getting my shots anymore.
Haha! welcome to the wonderful world of steroid injections! 👍😊
They are great to quieten things down before our long term meds kick in. Oral steroids are worse, having one of these now and again won't do much harm. I've got really low bone density, but hosp still happy to give me a steroid inj. If I need it.
Take care. X
I had one of thoses shots in my knee in the beginning. It must have spread into my blood and yes all my symptoms were gone and I felt to be myself again. It lasted for three weeks then the symptoms started creeping back, worse actually what they had been. I did shed some hair as well, probably caused by the chock of the large cortisone dose. Never had them after this.
If I were in a situation where I had accepted to go on mtx I would prefer to take a low dose pred with the med for 3m. Latest research show this combination being effective in slowing progression even longterm. Simba
I about have three a year and swear by them! The effect is almost immediate and they last about 3 months and make me feel like my 'old' self. I can't tolerate oral steroids at all, so I'm really grateful to be able to have the jabs - no problems with weight gain or mood swings. We all react differently to the drugs and it seems that it suits you too - I'm all for anything that improves quality of life!
Well it confirms u had inflammation and yes those injections work so well. Trouble is they don't want to give u too many. I had to beg for the last one.
Trying to get any steroid injection from my rheumy team is like getting blood out of a stone! They are Just not bothered on giving me them. On the other hand, my orthopaedic Dr has no trouble offering me steroid injections in my badly damaged foot joints. The relief is bliss!