So back on enbrel for about 6 weeks and low and behold I have copped another dose of bronchitis. Aghhh off the enbrel again for a while while I battle this. I hope this is not going to be a 6 weekly event while I am on it.
Bronchitis- again: So back on enbrel for about 6 weeks... - NRAS
Bronchitis- again

I like your picture of the kitten
Oh I hope not too! If you get too many infections maybe they will discuss changing the biologic or dose ???
Hope you feel better soon and the kitten is sweet x
Do you find any relief from pain with Embrel? I'm on it 8 wks now and feel no improvement in pain. Psoriasis has become worse and spread and today have a scratchy throat and runny nose past cpl days. Seeing my rhumathologist today and hoping he'll take me off it
I didn't think it had made much difference to pain until I had to come off it last time. Oh my goodness I realised how quietly it had snuck up on me and made me feel so much better. I still have a fair amount of pain in certain joints but it has made a big difference especially to exhaustion. My rheumy told me it may take 6 months to fully work. I hope you start to get some benefit from it soon.