Hi everyone,
I haven't been on much for a while, I blogged a while ago as it was my 2 year ra anniversary and I'd been having a pretty tough few months.
I started back on enbrel in january and initially it seemed to be working but very slowly then I got a minor infection that wouldn't go away after I'd had it nearly 4 weeks my rheumy nurse decided I had to have a week off the enbrel and have antibiotics. Any progress I had made was completely wiped out in that week and 3 more doses of enbrel later I was still getting worse and the rheumatoid vasculitis was really bad again.
I had my 12 week anti tnf review and basically I had no choice but to start riuximab having now failed on 6 drugs and seemingly being resistant to steroids. Fortunately I only had to wait 2 weeks to start the rituximab but they have been horrid as I have had no drugs other that tramadol and paracetamol.
The infusion today took agaes as unsuprisingly for me I had a reaction to it and went bright red and my neck started to itch so they were unable to turn the rate up much. I've got a stinking headache and feel a bit light headed and weird but nothing too dreadful and I'm just hoping that it works and quickly as this flare has now lasted 7 months. I have my 2nd infusion on 10th May so keep your fingers crossed for me (if you can - I can't!)
Hope you're all doing ok.