Taking methotrexate in combination with Enbrel .Have been injecting Enbrel for approx 6 years and is still working well, however my new rheumatologist suggested that I take a low dose methotrexate as well to prolong the efficacy of Enbrel. Would like to know other people's experience of this.
Methotrexate and Enbrel together: Taking methotrexate... - NRAS
Methotrexate and Enbrel together

If your body can tolerate MTX the research does suggest that biologics/AntiTNF drug can have a better effect when taken in conjunction with MTX. Many people do take this combination of drugs although personally my body would not tolerate MTX. I lasted 7 years on Enbrel (mainly alone - some DMARD's were tried but my body did not like them) before it lost its efficacy. It would be interesting to see how long other people have continued on this drug before they felt it was not working as well. Farm
Thanks for your reply. Since you stopped Enbrel, which medication are you currently prescribed?
Bit of long story and 3 years later although now better controlled still not where I would like to be. Previously had around 7 years on Gold injections. Cannot tolerate the DMARD's MTX, Azothioprine, Leflunomide and Sulfasalazine. I have sero negative inflammatory arthritis.
Humira for 9 months followed by Rituximab (1 cycle - 2 infusions a fortnight apart), Tocilizumab infusions and now have been on weekly Abatacept injections for 12 months and for the last 6 added in 200mg hydroxychloroquine daily.
I've been on enbrel for 4 months along with 10mg methotrexate and 10mg lefluomide. I suspect that enbrel has been losing it's affect over the last month or so..fingers crossed I'm wrong and I'm having a rather long blip as it's been a wonder drug for the first 3 months. I'm still really good compared to how I was before starting enbrel, but my hands and arms have got a little worse and my feet are well, blinking awful to be honest, though I'm hoping this is due to me overdoing the walking thing. Had my monthly bloods done today and the nurse filled in my ESR readings for the previous 3 moths which show a slight but steady rise of 4, 9 and 12. I know these readings are still really good but I'm more concerned what today's bloods will show. Trouble is I ain't going to find out as the nurse had trouble finding my veins (I feel a bit like a pincushion) and when she did manage to connect with a vein she couldn't draw enough blood off for my ESR to be tested. I've got a rheumy appointment on 25th and up until my downturn was hoping to stop one DMARD, can't see that happening now though.
Sorry to have rambled on and possibly hijacked your thread, but I am a little concerned about how things are developing.
Anyone who enbrel's stopped working for.. was it pretty sudden for you or a more gradual process before losing it's effect?
Can't really comment too much about these drugs as I dnot take enbrel. I am currently about to change drugs but not sure what to yet. My guess is sulmt
I was started on methotrexate then they added enbrel had my third dose yesterday having headaches form the enbrel but methotrexate makes me feel as if i have a hangover for a couple of days after x
I had read somewhere that when you are taking Enbrel they like you to take MTX as well because it helps prevent your body making anti bodies against Enbrel. If you build up too many anti bodies against Enbrel it will stop working. I did check this with my consultant last time I saw him and he said that it was right.
I have just had my MTX dose dropped from 17.5mg to 15mg because I have been in remission for over a year now thanks to the wonderful powers of Enbrel.
Just like to add that when I deciided on Enbrel, my consultant did say that if it works, it is (in his opinion) the best anti tnf to take because your body does not make many anti bodies against it.
Hope this helps.
So glad you posted, when I was diagnosed 7 yrs ago I was immediately put on Enbrel with Methotrexate and they are still working with no side effects, I feel very fortunate. Lately I've been not using the Methotrexate, just being a rebel I think and tired of giving myself injections every week. Now that I understand how important the Methotrexate is I will quit being stupid.
I was on Humira for 18 months and it worked really well until I caught a nasty bug and it gradually stopped. I was not taking anything else with it. I am now on Tocilizumab infusions with hydroxychloroquine because my rhummy said that they believe taking a Drmad with a biologic helps you to stop building up antibodies against the biologic which is what I feel happened to me when I was on Humira and caught the bug. I cannot take mxt.
I have been on Enbrel and 15mg of methotrexate for seven years - I started on methotrexate first - 20mg. Just in the last few weeks I feel that this combination isn't working as well but not due to see consultant until the end of December.
I came off Methotrexate because it damaged my lungs according to my consultant. He was right, subsequent xrays showed this. I have been on Enbrel for many years now and it is still working effectively.
Hello. What warning signs did you have before you experienced lung damage? I'm on MTX and Enbrel. They are not working for me even after 6 months on MTX and 4 on Enbrel. I don't want lung damage. Any tips please?
I took my 16th injection yesterday of Enbrel..it is not working and I take 3 of the MTX a week it's like my skin does not like it I break out in tiny bumps in certain spots..taking it for psoriatic arthritis and while waiting for something to work 3 more of my joints are damaged, time to move on to something else *sigh* after everything I have read honestly, I was begining to think I was one of those people this didn't work for because I always read that it works for people and then will stop working...but for me it has never started working all so frustrating..hang in there I am right there with ya
My Rheumatologist has asked me to do Rituxan again with MTX. She says they work better together. My concern is DMARDs suppress entire immune system Biologics a targeted aspect of immune system. So what is the point of Biologic if coupled with MTX?
This is an established protocol. They all fallow the same process.
Been on MTX for around 6 months and Enbrel for around 4 months. Worst pain ever. Very tired as well. Feel like I'm slowly wasting away. Not sure if I need to just keep waiting for the drugs to work. Has anyone had to wait this long before experiencing relief? Not sure how much longer I can wait. 15 years in chronic pain is getting old.
I just did shot 16 yesterday and it is not working for me..after 7 months of steroids and coming off those it feels like someone turned the hurt up on blast
Sorry to hear. After months on Enbrel not working, I've now been on Symponi Aria infusions for 4 months, and Methotrexate for a year. Feel worse than ever. These doctors are idiots. Steriods didn't even work for me. Glad they did for you, but not really a long term solution I guess; which is why you probably stopped them. Hope you find something that works. I'm starting to think nothing ever will for me.