Update: I've been to see my GP and was told I have acute severe tendinitis and have been signed off work for a week and given naproxen. Still in pain but happy to have a diagnosis and treatment! Thanks for your help and understanding!
Hello lovely people. I don't know what to do and hope anyone here might have some idea about what I am going through.
I haven't got a firm diagnosis yet but probably have osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Had a particular hard week at work (chef in school kitchen) but up until Tuesday actually was almost pain free and quite happy. Then my right wrist and thumb started to ache a bit but with some ibuprofen was quite manageable. By Friday work had calmed down and I got lots of rest yesterday so hoped I'd feel better today. Instead I woke up in agony and even trying to lift my right hand/arm hurts like hell. It seems to me tendons rather than actual joint as it's going from the base of my thumb down my arm. I took a full dose of painkillers ( ibuprofen, paracetamol and codeine phosphate) and got a splint on but I am basically useless. Had husband help me dress and only barely managed the loo by myself. I'm due an mri scan of spine and feet but not heard anything yet and next scheduled appointment with consultant is end of August. I haven't got a Rheims nurse as they said they don't know what I have yet. I'm due back at work tomorrow and just don't know what to do. Shall I try to do things with my left ( like I'm typing now) and have my colleagues help me, hope for it becoming better overnight, go to gp or what? To clarify, I don't seem to have much if any swelling and the site is warm but not really hot. Please help.