Don't know what to say feeling with all this pain suicidal between the pain I'm in and my ptsd seems to have kicked in again was hoping to have kicked it but not
Don't know what to say : Don't know what to say feeling... - NRAS
Don't know what to say

morning. So sorry to read of your struggles. Can you reach out to GP or rheumy for pain? Are there people who can help re ptsd? I cannot imagine what you have been through that resulted in your ptsd. You are not alone and I’m sorry there’s not more I can offer. Sending you my very best wishes.
Ptsd through army things done and seen no one should ever see. Go more interested them selves and can't see rheumy till December
I am so sorry that you are in such pain. I have been on Marijuana oil prescribed by my GP in Canberra Australia for 6 months helping me cope with chronic pain from various problems. The result is marvellous as the pain in now manageable and allows me to deal with my long Covid with double shingles plus IPF etc. can you get this drug in your part of the world? Talk to you pain management specialist.
Best wishes
Are you a member of any old soldiers association or the British Legion ? it might be worth reaching out as mental health might well impact on your RA. My SIL an ex red hat served for over 30 years and I do know is a member of a regimental association. What about Help for Hero's as well ? PTSD is not good so don't stop trying to get help.
Thanks 16 years myself till injury ended career been through Erskine who pointed me in the right direction coped well last 12 years or so but for some reason raised it's ugly head could be through pain of Ra not sure
Might be worth talking to someone at Combat Stress -
They have a help line and lots of experience in helping with PTSD. My husband volunteered with SSAFA and often referred ex-soldiers to them. Often heightened pain can be a combination of physical and mental stress. Definitely ask your GP for help as an urgent appointment for advice about pain and mental health support.
Good that you have reached out here. Life can be tough and asking for help can be hard. Don't give up. Lots of good ideas as well on here from others. We are all cheering you on. Sending a hug x
I’m really sorry that your pain and ptsd have reared their ugly heads again. Especially as you thought you’d got it all sorted out.
Can you get back to Erskine who helped you the last time? I’m sure they will be more than happy to help you again.
I’m the meantime if you are feeling suicidal then contact Samaritans on 116123 - it’s free and you will find someone there to talk to.

Bully915 so sorry to read this. Do please reach out to our Helpline on 0800 298 7650. We will be happy to listen to you and give some information and support. We are available Monday-Friday 09:30 to 16:30. Please do not sit alone with this. You can also contact the Samaritans on 116123 and they are available at any time for you.
like you I am ex military and the monsters do come back every now and then. Do what we were trained to do when overwhelmed call for Backup support. You are still part of the team use it. Take care
I lost my brother to suicide, he had bi-polar. His loss tore our family apart, non of us will ever be the same again. He didn’t reach out for help but you have and that’s the first step. Talking is good therapy, please ring the Samaritans or your previous place of support. The Army surely offers help long term and you are not alone. Above all remember the RA pain can be eased and the people who love you can ease your heart. Ring somebody today.

Sorry to read about your brother's suicide. My OH is bi-polar and battles Suicidal ideation daily.
Fortunately we got a diagnosis, treatment and a fab psychiatrist about 22 years ago. On the plus I knew what was wrong with my OH & was able to talk to him about getting help. Unlike many he's good at expressing his feelings, & grateful for the mental health support he gets. Also takes his medication which many stop once feeling better.
I have no doubt you wish your brother had been able to speak with someone but the thinking at the time is one of being overwhelmed seeing no way out other than suicide. All we can do is as you've done in your reply is help ones we see not coping. 🤗
thank you for your message. Sadly my brother had a chaotic life before diagnosis after his first suicide attempt aged 52. Within 6 months of diagnosis he took his own life believing everyone was better off without him. Our frail and ageing parents are living their last years burdened with grief and my other brother and I cannot comfort them. Suicide is so destructive so your story is heartening, thank you.

I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling this way. Definitely speak to your rheumatologist/ GP about your pain levels and be honest about how it's making you feel, physical pain can have such a huge impact on us mentally. Do you have a nurse advice line at your Rheumatologist? I've found they are really helpful while I'm waiting for an appointment and maybe they can help bump you up the list a bit.
For PTSD have you ever tried EMDR therapy? It's proven really successful helping with PTSD and has is often used for soldiers. Sending you lots of support, keep reaching out ♥️
Hi Bully915 , I'm so sorry to hear how hard things are just now. I hope your Rheumatology team and GP come through for you, sadly it's sometimes necessary to be persistent to get the treatment you need and deserve.
You may already know about Combat Stress? They offer a range of mental health services to veterans including a 24 hour helpline:
If you're in crisis the Samaritans are there for you as Fruitandnutcase said. If it's hard to talk about it there's also a 24/7 text message service - you just text SHOUT to 85258 and someone will reply. More info here:
If you feel unable to stay safe please consider calling 999 or go to your nearest A&E, that would be a medical emergency like any other and needs urgent support.
Wishing you all the very best, we're here too.
So sorry to hear how you are feeling. I think some good advice has been given to you on here. I can’t add anything else. Just wanted to send you great big hugs.
Hi Bully915. I'm sorry to read all that you are going through, it sounds like a nightmare. As someone else has said, there is some good advice here and I hope you will be able to get the help you need, both for your RA and the PTSD. All the best and remember there's always this forum when you need to talk or vent. x
F do I know what to say to you ...but please hang in there!
Hmmm well I've got very desperate when going through unbearable pain, & don't have the addition of PTSD on top of it. See lots have given you sound suggestions, so all I 'll say is triggers will set you off but as you know you will get through as you've done before. However we need the right support which have been suggested.
Looks like you'll have to use twofold approach deffo contact RA team for f2f appt to discuss controlling your pain. GP could assist if quicker? Plus the other mental health support that is available.
Thank you for the sacrifices you've made for our freedoms.
Sending hugs.
I want to thank each and everyone of use for your advice. Have contacted my rheumy and army helpline who have put me on the right path and advice thanks again Billy
how are you doing today?
Better thanks still in pain
I developed my RA after being stressed for many years I suffer from complex PTSD which is from childhood trauma. There’s a theory that ptsd causes autoimmune disease. I’m seeing a therapist who specialises in CPTSD I’m hoping she’ll help me. In the meantime I’m waiting for psychedelic therapy to be approved, I think therapy with microdosing of MDMA would help me. I believe psylocibin is also very successful for ptsd. I also have a lot of suicidal ideation, the RA does not help.
Worth a read x
Also the ones below x
That's good to know my ptsd from teaums in the forces