Hi everyone bit of advice needed. I currently get the basic dla I have RA. My health has worsened since my original application which was 7 years ago . I now also have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis in lower spine and trochenteric bursitis in hip. This has had a massive negative impact on my life. I cannot do I 'big' shop without a wheelchair , I can't walk more than 20 to 30 metres without severe pain. I need wheelchair assistance at airports . This has worsened over 12 months . I've now bought a wheelchair off eBay as I'm fed up of being housebound . Would I qualify for the mobility part of pip? Thanks in advance any advice would be much appreciated x
Would I qualify mobility PIP?: Hi everyone bit of... - NRAS
Would I qualify mobility PIP?

Here's a link to a self test from benefits and work website:
If you copy & paste into your browser it will let you have a go at assessing yourself & explain the result. As it says on the site - this is no guarantee that a real claim would be upheld - that depends on the assessor - but it does give you an idea.
It certainly sounds as though you would though without wanting to sound negative it's impossible to predict I'm afraid. What I would say though is gather as much written supporting evidence to include with your form from your Rheumy & any other Health Professionals (GP, OH, Podietrist, Physio etc), anyone who you see relating to your mobilty problems & complete the form including all you have difficulties with. Add as much information as you can on the appropriate notes section alongside the tick box questions & tell it how it is at the assessment then you've done all you can.
Have a look online at all the useful hints & tips for the PIP form & assessment so you're aware of how questions are worded & answer how they need you to.
Good luck & I hope you receive what you need to help you.
I have asked everyone and not been able to get any written supporting evidence at all, I'm not sure how people manage to get it, my GP even said she had been specifically advised not to give written supporting evidence for PIP claimants, my Rheumy said the letters they send out to GPs etc would do (they don't really have any information on ) and the Occupational therapist said she would only write a report when I'm discharged from their service and she won't discharge me. I don't know if I'm just unlucky or if people don't like me and can't be bothered to help. xx
No, you would have to prove you can only walk up to 20 metres.
As I understand it, you need to be able to walk according to the descriptor (safely, to an acceptable standard, as often as you need to & in a reasonable time) to score 8 points (between 20 & 50 metres) to be awarded standard rate & 12 points (less than 20 metres) to be awarded enhanced rate. There are also the additional questions - whether an aid or appliance is needed & also if a wheelchair is needed, points could also be accrued with these two questions & as Maud does use a wheelchair that should add points.
Definitely worth applying, but don't try to fill in the form on your own. I would always get my form checked over by CAB disability welfare person as they know what words to use, and more importantly, what not to say.
From what you describe, you would probably qualify for the standard rate mobility component. To qualify, you must score over 8 points, which basically means you can only walk up to 50m "safely, to an acceptable standard, as often as you need to & in a reasonable time". The definition of an 'acceptable standard' takes account of pain, so if you can walk further than 50m but it causes severe pain or takes you 2-3 times as long as normal, you should still qualify.
To qualify for the higher rate (which gets you Motobility) , you must score over 12 points, which means you are unable to walk more than 20m with the same conditions.
The descriptors used to assess you are here: citizensadvice.org.uk/Globa...
It is notoriously hard to prove your (dis)abilities if you are limited by pain or other invisible factors rather than some obvious physical factor like missing limbs. You are asked to describe your abilities: it is important to give details and be specific, and bear in mind these key distances. It won't help to tell them you can't manage big supermarkets or airports, because these involve distances much greater than the 20 and 50m limits. It is better to give examples that describe your difficulties managing less than these distances.
X-rays and consultants' letters may help, if they show specific mechanical/physical problems. You will almost certainly have a physical assessment where they make you walk around to see how you do, including (apparently) watching you come into the building.
The website benefitsandwork is useful, and for £20 you can subscribe and download a detailed practical guide to completing the PIP application, which I found very useful.