The Wheelchair has arrived!: I was diagnosed in 199... - NRAS


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The Wheelchair has arrived!

5 Replies

I was diagnosed in 1990, and for many years had no or little symptoms. I continued working until 2003, so consider myself lucky to have got away with it for so long. However, following my last flare-up last month I cannot walk more than a few steps and am never without pain, so the discussion about the wheelchair had to be had. I hate the wheelchair, it is like sitting in a pram! you become invisable, people speak over your head. On the other hand I love the wheelchair, without it I could not go out. I would become a prisioner in my own home. I can maintain my hobbies and outside interests and it is keeping my long suffering husband fit. So on the whole it is a good thing but I will never get completely used to it!

5 Replies
sylvi profile image

Know what you mean,i've got a electric scooter, hate the thing, but without it i would be housebound. best of luck.xx

Beth58 profile image

I agree 100% with your comments, wheelchairs are awful but a necessity on some days.

I can't stay on my feet for more than a couple of minutes so drive everywhere. On the odd occasion I go into town shopping with friends a wheelchair is a must, I love the large department stores but can't walk round them, I used to try but the pain is so bad and I'm left housebound for a few days afterwards exhausted and in severe pain (despite medications), so I rarely go into town or large retail parks, it's not worth the pain.

And.... peoples attitude OMG... It does change toward someone in a wheelchair. I once put all my shopping (mainly dresses) on the counter then the shop assistant handed MY change over my head to my friends daughter who was pushing me! I couldn't believe it, my friends daughter burst out laughing (she knew what I'd do).... I was fuming and give the assistant and her supervisor a piece of my mind while demanding she gave MY change to me.

I worked in health and social care so knew the DDA and equality act like the back of my hand so I went to work on them regarding access/equality issues within the store. lol

Sadly It's ignorance and lack of disability training within stores and many front line staff for that matter.

Think we should all practice wheelies and get a ladies display team together and bombard the larger stores. lol xxx

LavendarLady profile image

When I was first diagnosed nearly 4 years ago, I had been in a wheelchair for 7weeks barely able to move and certainly not able to walk. Everyone talked over my head to my hubby as if I wasn't there or was deaf or something. In the end I used to say (or rather yell) "I'm down here, I'm not deaf, I'm not stupid I'm only in this thing as I cannot walk - so speak to me and don't be so rude ignoring me!" It usually worked.

Although I can walk now, I still can't get very far and if I go into town, have to have someone with me to hang onto on one side with my stick on the other.

When travelling by air, I have to use a wheelchair at the airports as I cannot walk that far to departure or the plane. I have always found the airlines very good and the airport staff for helping. Hubby usually pushes me and and I am fast tracked through security etc as I certainly couldn't stand in a Q - I would be collapsed on the floor very quickly. I am taken to the plane using the airport lifts in the wheelchair and hoisted up on the ramp to the plane door (except on Ryanair when I had to struggle up the stairs! although they did give me and hubby a whole row of seats to ourselves but I was given the window seat - that means I wouldn't get out in an emergency. That's what they think!)

On Easyjet I usually get a front seat and the stewardesses are so helpful, BA shoved me at the back on a bulkhead seat and I could hardly move at all as there was no room. It took the combined efforts of 2 stewards and my hubby to get me out of the seat at our destination! Cyprus Air is very good although we usually travel business class with them as there is so much more room. They will also put my drugs in the fridge for me on board as it is a 5 1/2 flight to Larnaca. The American airlines are also very helpful.

If you are disabled, the airlines tend to treat you as someone who won't get out in an emergency so it doesn't matter if they put you in an inaccessible seat where you are cramped up for the whole flight and cannot even get to the loo! Yes, I know the able bodied can get out quickly but why should we be left to go down with the plane etc. Although the human spirit in adversity is very strong and I would battle to get out.

Sorry a bit of a rant there. Beth58 suggestion is a good one - will start practising the wheelies! LavendarLady x

second outing into town this morning and some unexpected benefits, when I am/was walking I have to concerntrate so hard on where my feet are going (I have a real fear of falling) that I dont see a thing going on around me! This morning had a good look round as I was being pushed along. So not all bad, dare I say I am getting used to it.

Julie_kiwi profile image

How do you know when it's time for the wheelchair to be seriously considered? I've had RA for nearly 30 years, mainly managed very well with various drugs. However l've had some debilitating flares in ankles & knees (not at the same time) which meant I can't get to work. Need to work to feed mortgage. Feeling very confused right now.

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