Hi Everyone!!! it has been a long time since i have sent a blog, But thought it would be nice to update you all, Well as you may be aware i started MTX injection and sufasalazine 8 weeks ago which included Hydroxy which i have been taking since last November, Well things have really improved for me over the past 2 weeks, i am finding that i am able to reduced my pain killers and enjoy life a lot more, I am having some issue with the sufasalazine as when i increase the dose to 2 a day i find that i feel very nauseous, so at present i am just sticking to 1 a day until i see my rheumy in September, I went out the other evening for my 14th wedding anniversary and had a few glasses of wine, What a lovely evening i had, I felt like my old self again, Looking back on how i was last year this is such a big improvement, I so hope it continues, I am also increasing my hour next week in work and am going on Holiday to Turkey at the end of August, So need this!!!! last year when i went to Portugal i was in so much pain i needed help to do nearly every thing, Hope this helps everyone who is just trying out MTX injections and hope it helps you as much as it has me, sending lots of hugs xxxxx
What a difference in a year.....: Hi Everyone!!! it has... - NRAS
What a difference in a year.....

Wow wow wow shirl !!!!!! This is so so lovely to read !!!! Well done !!!! Enjoy ur holiday and I hope we both have a better holiday than we did last year !! Have inbox you too :))) I'm away from Wednesday so will catch up when you are home!lots of love my lovely friend Michelle xxx
What a lovely positive blog, thank you for sharing. Long may it last. Have a great holiday x
Hi so lovely to hear your feeling brighter long may it last . Hope you have a lovely holiday too xx
Great to hear from you again shirl, and fantastic news about how you feel, enjoy turkey
good news.. happy anniversary and enjoy turkey x
This is wonderful to read Shirl and I hope you go from strength to strength now that the drugs are finally working. I think it does take a long time for some of these meds to really make a big difference. I'm only on one now - injectable MTX - and it seems to be keeping the RA completely at bay. Have a great anniversary and holiday. Tilda x

Great to hear that things are looking up for you to, Take Care xxx
Thanks you all for your very caring messages, You have always been there for me when i have been at my worse, it is so great to be able to send a positive message to you all and any new comer, Take Care XXX
Shirl that's so good to notice such a difference after 8 weeks. When the drugs work it's just magic, and I well remember how excited I got getting my life back! I did have problems getting used to Sulpha too, but the side effects did wear off eventually so maybe they will with you too. have a great holiday, and hopefully you won't even have to take painkillers soon. Pollyx
Hi Shirl
Thats great new that you are starting to feel better.
Hope you have a lovely holiday.
Mary x
Hiya Shirley! So glad u r doing better, u went through such a lot! Keepwellxxxxxxx
Hi Shirl its great to hear you are feeling so well and to hear you sounding so upbeat, I think it does everyone on here good to hear positive stories like yours. I am so glad to hear how well you are feeling and it is always useful to think back to how we were a year ago as it is easy to forget how far we have come. I look back on comments made last year as it truly puts things into perspective. Hope you have a well deserved holiday and anniversary