As my fellow sufferers know, I had my first cycle of rituximab I April this year after failing on humira and enbrel. I went for my 12 week assessment however was still in a lot of pain so was given yet another steroid injection to see me through. Anyway I've suffered with a stiff neck for a few years but have always been told it was wear and tear, nothing to do with my RA,,,,, anyway as the consultant was there I told her that my neck was now extremely painfully and very swollen. She reluctantly had a look and said it was extremely swollen and sent me for a neck x ray and suggested some physio. I waited and waited for the results and heard nothing so I decided I'd chase it up myself as you do. Anyway I was told the report was back but the nurse couldn't interpret what it said and would have to speak with a consultant. A week later still no news so I rang yesterday only for the nurse to tell me that I have to go for an MRI. I asked why but guess what. She couldn't answer any questions so why didn't the bloody consultant ring me. I'm now worried sick and awaiting an appointment which could take weeks. Has anybody else had neck problems which resulted in an MRI????helppppppppppp
Desperate Donna x