Hi, could do with some help please.
I have appointment tomorrow with rheumy nurse to discuss medication options. I have seronegative RA and was diagnosed 14 yrs ago. However, my consultant now seems vague about the diagnosis as i don't quite fit the critera, i have some neurological things going on in my hands from my spine. My hands are not like swollen RA fingers, in fact my fingers are very thin and the muscles appear 'wasted'.
In the past i have had Sulphaz, Methotrex up to 25 mgs injected, leflunomide, none of which lowered my ESR, was 40-60. Then i was put on Gold injections which actually lowered my ESR, i was on it for 3 yrs, but was still having flares although more infrequent and pain in other joints in general. I felt it wasn't helping me much and it was stopped anyway prior to surgery on my foot.
After 18months rest from the Gold and my pain and mobility much worse, consultant decided to restart me on the Gold. I should have been given a smaller dose to start with again, but a different nurse gave me the normal dose, which i queried, but was told i would be ok as i had it before.
I then had real difficulty breathing and had to have course of steroids for lungs. I was told by nurse, who after conversation with consultant, said i had reaction to gold, which can soetimes happen after a gap!!!!
Now, he won't give me gold because of it and its back to the drawing board. My ESR levels are rising again since stopping the gold 18 months ago.
Biologics were discussed and at the time, 2 years ago, just missed out on the scores by 2, so couldn't have it.
Any thoughts on which medication as alternative to gold would be appreciated?